yep daniel I have been using it this last week on my husbands thumb, wish I had started reading about this earlier when he put his hand thru the ripping saw 4 weeks ago! could have been using it since day one and sped up the healing by 50%, I read that CO stops infection in its tracks. . he was on high powered antibiotics for the first 3 weeks of the injury, he came off drs said thats enough it should be at lower risk of infection now. . within 2 days it was showing signs of becoming infected, put a chunk of CO in a bandage over night and by morning all signs of infection were gone. . now he has a little container with some CO in it and rubs it on the healing wound a few times a day. . you can actually SEE it healing now. magic stuff eh! no wonder its called the tree of life.
Oct 4, 12:24am
wow - wish I'd known this when hubby took the end off his thumb in the ripping saw about a year ago. It has healed nicely but took a long time. Best of luck with your husbands recovery,
Oct 4, 1:07am
ooooh another ripping saw incident the damage they can do is amazing. . you can actually see the saw marks healed into shape on my hubbys thumb, he had no skin to cover the whole pad on his thumb its had to re-grow slowly by it self.
Oct 10, 12:24am
I have had candida overgrowth my whole life and am noticing that my skin is clearing up and hopefully all my insides will be healed soon too. Rubbing the coconut oil into my skin and taking a tblsp in the mornings in warm water. Also stir some into the families porridge and add to any cooking I can. I rub the oil into my babys skin rash, and hopefully it will fully clear up soon as also breastfeeding. Also using lots of coconut milk and cream in cooking.,
Oct 10, 12:40am
Hi Rach, I just finished reading the section on candidain "The Coconut Oil Miracle - Bruce Fife" I recommend reading it if your able to get a hold of a copy (I managed to get it out of the library here)
Oct 11, 12:49am
Do you happen to know the page number? Just looking up google books. Going to buy it too.
Oct 11, 12:50am
Oh wait, don't think I can read online. .,
Oct 11, 2:22am
You cant read it on line no rach... I've finished the book and found it quite dissapointing... all the same info is out there on the net so I didnt learn anything new from the book which is a shame... I am happy to type out the Section on candida if you wish rach, I can post it here or email it to you (I have a classified you can reach me thru) would be better than buying the book IMO.
Oct 11, 3:05am
Thanks, but don't bother if it is too long. You can email me at hotmail (sure you can work out the addy). Shame about the book, thought there might be some more info. I have Eat Fat, Lose Fat - is there any other books you can recommend where I can learn more?,
Oct 11, 3:16am
I'm reading Eat Fat, Get Thin by Barry groves at the moment rach. . cant seem to find Fifes one (other than to buy) NO worries about the section of the book, glad to type it out for you. . will give me something to do tonight now :o)
Just your TM user name at Hotmail is it?
Oct 11, 1:56pm
I think that was the one I was reading on the net the other night. It was pretty interesting.
Yep, that is right. Thanks for that!,
Oct 11, 4:27pm
No worries :o). . thats what I found when I had finished the book, its pretty much all on the net and I had read it all already lol. I will type out all the recipes in the book thou theres 50, some really nice sounding ones too.
Oct 11, 11:45pm
The demise of coconut oil among others I think in the 70's (? ) if I remember correctly, was the American soya bean industry which pretty much advertised soya bean oil to the detriment of all other oils including coconut oil. You can probably find that information online. I believe in those days they trashed coconut oil. I think as Buzzy says, the molecular structure of coconut oil as a fatty acid is good for your digestive system and does not add fat to your frame. It's interesting to note that fats (vegetable I think) are now taking up a much bigger portion of the food pyramid moreso than carbohydrates like wheat, pasta and rice when in the 70's it was the other way around (my mother was a home economics teacher I kind of grew up around food posters :D ),
Oct 11, 11:54pm
It was called the "Tropical Oil Wars" and yes started by the soy industry to discredit and push out the tropical oils (coconut and palm) they basically slandered and slaughtered a whole industry.
Oct 12, 6:29pm
Bump for everyone reading "The dangers of soy" thread
Jun 8, 11:06pm
Bump for great reading
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