If anyone is interesting in reading more: go to http://books. google.co.nz/and look up - Eat Fat Look Thin: A Safe and Natural Way to Lose Weight Permanently By Bruce Fife. The whole book is there to read online
Sep 23, 7:43pm
great book so far danielvds buzzy still waiting on this thread with all your information.
Sep 23, 7:47pm
Danielvds Thabnks so much for this link. It's a book on my tbr list. Never knew this resource was there!
Sep 23, 8:36pm
This is making me second guess my rice bran oils hmmm lol. . anyone know the smoke point for Coconut fat? is it okay for hot flash frying (like stir fry) or is the smoke point to low?
Sep 23, 8:47pm
suposed to be good for us My natropath told me yesterday that coconut cream was good for us. Havnt worked out what to do with it yet though.
Sep 23, 8:52pm
according to 'The coconut oil miracle' book the smoking point is350 F = 176. 67 C. When baking breads, muffins and casseroles using coconut oil, you can st the over at temperatures above 350 degrees F because the moisture in the food keeps the inside temperature below 212 degrees F
Sep 23, 9:00pm
jubre, re your #30... Have a look in the thread " what do you put in your stirfrys? ", just a little few threads down from this thread is a great recipe with coconut cream, Chicken Laksa by donald6, try it, highly recommended dish. Cheers.
Sep 23, 9:12pm
coconut recipe site for those interested www.freecoconutrecipes.com
Sep 23, 9:43pm
ah bugger the bruce fife book only goes to page 62 on google books, can't find the full version anywhere (for free) either. . rats.
Sep 23, 9:51pm
Auckland Library has several of his books for those in the area but not this one.
Sep 23, 9:59pm
mmm just checked our local on line not even one of his books on the shelf.
Sep 23, 10:04pm
You can buy it from Book Depo but it aint cheap - http://www.bookdepository.co. uk/book/9780941599627/Eat-Fat-L ook-Thin
Sep 23, 10:15pm
hehe yup I have found all the places to 'buy it' I just need to look harder, check some different sites I use I think. ;o)
Sep 23, 10:44pm
try www.mightyape.co.nzThey have it for $43. 99. They also have Coconut Cures: Preventing and Treating Common Health Problems with Coconut.
Sep 29, 5:25pm
Bump good info here
Sep 29, 8:10pm
Wow, what awesome information... ... . . My mother, (now deceased, ) was from Fiji, my dad, (now deceased, ) was a New Zealander. I remember when I was younger, that my mum had a bottle of Coconut Oil from Fiji. My dad used to suffer with severe cramp in his legs, my mum used to take some Coconut Oil out of the bottle and rub it on his legs. I don't know whether it worked, we also had a proper scraper for scraping coconuts from Fiji.
Sep 29, 8:20pm
I remember, sitting on the back steps... ... . . Straddled over the scraper and scrapping the coconut into a bowl, also, drinking the coconut juice straight from the coconut. I found it a bit too stong for my liking though.
Sep 29, 8:22pm
Meant to say strong, not stong. Coconut cream is delicious though, yum I love it!
Sep 29, 8:23pm
And meant to say Scraping... . Not scrapping, lol!
Sep 29, 10:15pm
I have just been reading all your posts, wow good for lots of things, will have to switch from grape seed oil, to coconut oil, I see they have coconut oil in here, the virgin one, is that the one to buy for frying.
Sep 29, 10:52pm
The term 'virgin' is not an official classification; it simply signifies an oil that has been subjected to less intense refining - low temperatures and no chemicals. I look for organic, (extra) virgin oil from a reliable source which can be used for everything from cooking to applying to your skin and hair (apparently it is very good for dandruff when applied to the scalp). If frying with it, keep the temperature under smoking point (180 C). Any oil including coconut oil with produce toxic byproducts if overheated. It isn't absorbed into the foods as much as other oils when frying, doesn't splatter as much, and can be used over again.
Sep 29, 10:58pm
I havent been able to find anything to back up this "Any oil including coconut oil with produce toxic byproducts if overheated" . . I've been hunting and hunting hard. . Coconut oil has a smoke point way beyond any vegie or grain oil, and many of those have a high smoke point as it is. . some sites say coconut oil's smoke point is 170deg. . my wok doesn't get to that, the oil does not burn but the food does at high temps. . where as with lower smoke point oils you clearly see the oil burning. . but yeah. . I cant find anything that states coconut oil becomes toxic at high temps? have you any lit on that daniel? :o)
Sep 30, 1:06am
Maxwell - It is in "The coconut oil Miracle" by Bruce Fife - on page 166. A very good read if you can get your hands on a copy.
Sep 30, 1:09am
ah cool nah doubt I will get hold of a copy I cant find it "free" on the net hehe
Oct 3, 3:06am
Has anyone else noticed how much stronger and healthier your finger nails are looking since using the coconut oil. I have also been rubbing it into my husbands achillies tendon injury for the last few evenings and he is experiencing huge relief from pain. I also see a huge difference in the skin on the backs of my hands that I heat damaged burning the paint off my villa about 10 years ago.
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