Mutton Bird - ?

pettal, Jun 6, 12:45am
who's got aripper of a recipe for these ? ? . .

bigcoly, Jun 6, 1:09am
No magic recipe. Boil them up twice (changing water) then grill them.

sultana0, Jun 6, 1:27am
Just boil (dont change the water), add watercress or puha and maybe some small spuds with skins on after a couple of hours in rolling hot water. Doughboys or fresh bread mmmmhhhh mmmmhhhhh

motorbo, Jun 6, 2:42am
omg that just sounds terrible! !

ferita, Jun 6, 3:13am
I had a mate who used to eat them alot. He would boil them like 5 times before eating them.

joey2221, Jun 6, 6:37pm
i love mutton birds watercress , potatoes, pumpkin, kumera lovely

earthangel4, Jun 6, 6:39pm
lol lol

joey2221, Jun 6, 6:52pm
dont knock till you try it

traceedwards, Jun 6, 6:53pm
Boil them 3 times (I'm not a fan of too much salt), roast on a low temp (gets most of the fat out), take gout pills, eat cold.

joey2221, Jun 6, 6:54pm
NO dont try it the price will go UP

traceedwards, Jun 6, 6:55pm
I hear they are big birds this year - 13 to a bucket

diz_fullah, Jun 6, 8:19pm
how much is a bucket?, Jun 6, 9:37pm
I just buy them and eat them as is.

But I miss the days when they were preserved in solid fat. Grandma used to get given 3-4 kerosine tins of them each season, and they were fabulous.

mwood, Jun 7, 2:11am
just bring a couple to the boil with a sliced lemon this cuts the salt and oil then grill them or put then in the freezer until ready to grill

sultana0, Jun 7, 3:24am
A few years ago I was given a bucket of muttonbird by a friend who didn't like them, I thought I was in heaven. There were about thirty in the bucket (med size).

gavin166, Jun 7, 5:40am

traceedwards, Jun 7, 12:52pm
30 in a bucket medium size?

Any more than 22 down here and you may as well eat a sparrow...

jerichord, Jun 9, 11:17pm
boil with an axe head or stone for 2or 3 hrs, eat the axe head.

ogden, Jun 10, 11:47pm
It is "blerk" when we were kids My folks would eat it all the time with Puha, doughboy's potatoes & maori bread. We'd come home from school and as soon as you opened the door you could smell it. I'd go to my sister "looks like it's just bread for dinner again" lol If you didn't eat what they served you went without. Mum would go "come on eat up" and my sister would say "I'm not eating bats" lol

ogden, Jun 10, 11:51pm
I might give them another go and try cooking it this way.

kyle100, Jul 27, 7:04pm
yummy! ! ! even my 2yr old loves them! ! ! so jealous! ! !