saw this yesterday, wonder who can afford to buy it, and how many meals do you think 2 persons would get from it. Not sure nowdays, what you get when you buy a side of sheep meat. comments please.
May 24, 2:29pm
Bit high, Aussie Butcher was cheaper last time I looked. It would last quite a while, I buy a whole or half sheep - more meat from a mutton than a lamb - just remember to use slow cooking. Last me months - I do buy other bits at the same time though, mince, sausages, schnitzel etc, 1/2 a mutton plus say 20kg of other stuff would last us two 3 to 4 months. Probably 4 with mutton.
May 24, 3:59pm
Depending on the weight of it and if you cut it down the usual way you would get quite a bit out of it if you cut the hind quarters into 2 roasts We prefer mutton to lamb as it has more flavour lt is pricey but for the first time in years the farmers are getting good value for their meat as they have not been able to make a living from sheep for years
May 24, 4:43pm
hell, i remember buying side of mutton from the freezing works for $5
May 24, 5:05pm
Have to go see THE"BOY'S OUT FLAXMERE " WAY....korbo....
May 24, 5:22pm
countdown down here has them for $56...
May 24, 5:30pm
Geez how things have changed, thats a shocking price. Should be able to get plenty of meals off it Korbo for 2, with the C/pot in fashion at the mo even the flaps rolled up and stuffed are fine sliced cold for sammies, put a saucer in bottom of C/p keep meat up as it will probably be quite fatty. Get butcher to cutbigger cuts in half for extra meals.
May 24, 6:00pm
shame you dont have a bit of land i got 2 lambs at 30 a piece they are getting fatter by the day that sounds like a lot for your side but its probably still cheaper than supermarket and you dont have to wait like i do!
May 24, 6:03pm
Yuk as regards eating mutton, hogget or lamb is ok.I have seen NZ Lamb legs for sale cheaper in the UK than we can buy them here.Ridiculous isnt it.
May 24, 6:12pm
your yuck is someone elses yum
May 24, 7:16pm
How wonderful - mutton - massive yum!
May 24, 7:28pm
I bought a whole lamb at the butchers yesterday, it cost $11 a kilo, so depending on how heavy the lamb, the one I got was 14.7kg and $160 odd. They chop it into chops and roasts.
May 24, 7:42pm
I agree. I find lamb tasteless and much prefer hogget or mutton.
May 24, 9:56pm
For mutton?? God to think as kids we used to turn our noses up at it! Still hate mutton, and can't bear the smell of it cooking. Anyway guess at that price I won't have to worry. When my kids were little I used to buy a side of lamb for $25 from my butcher mate. God I knew I should have set my cap at him all those years ago.....
May 24, 10:37pm
Have to agree with you - "massive yum" to mutton. To think I once used to buy legs for a few dollars, get the butcher to saw them into 3 and cook them in the pressure cooker for the dog!
May 25, 1:33am
*sigh* wasn't that long ago you could buy hocks/shanks for $1 a piece. Now they are $6 each!
May 25, 5:05pm
Have to go see THE"BOY'S OUT FLAXMERE " WAY.korbo.
May 25, 5:22pm
countdown down here has them for $56.
May 25, 9:56pm
For mutton! God to think as kids we used to turn our noses up at it! Still hate mutton, and can't bear the smell of it cooking. Anyway guess at that price I won't have to worry. When my kids were little I used to buy a side of lamb for $25 from my butcher mate. God I knew I should have set my cap at him all those years ago.
Sep 28, 2:54pm
*sigh* wasn't that long ago you could buy hocks/shanks for $1 a piece. Now they are $6 each!
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