ok who has a nice recipe for mutton chops I want to casserole them, any ideas? thank you
Nov 21, 5:21pm
what sort of chop? neck, forequarter or loin??? If neck I would boil first with an onion and carrot let this cool down and then remove the meat from the bones and use most of the juice to make a nice gravy. The other 2, brown first then in casserole put chops, onion, carrot, some mint sauce, soya sauce, garlic, cover with water and cook at about 150 for a couple of hours. Thicken juices with either flour and water or cornflour and water. Also put salt and pepper.
Nov 21, 5:23pm
have a look in the diabetic bakiing thread there is one there of mine. Its simple and tastes great.
Nov 21, 5:27pm
Remove all fat and brown up the mutton chops both sides with a little oil.. set aside.. In the same pan, brown up some sliced onions till they have good colour and then layer on the bottom of your casserole dish.. then layer the chops on top.. little red wine in pan to deglaze and reduce a little and pour over chops.. season with salt and pepper to your taste.. Slice and chunky dice up some peeled carrots, potato and kumura and par boil in water with a little salt.. place these over the top of the chops with some of the cooking water and a good dollop of vegetable stock.. tied bouquet garni of fresh herbs like rosemary parsley and thyme.. and sink into the liquid.. good drizzle of Worcestershire sauce.. Long slow cook in oven..serve up the chops and taste test.. season if required..remove the garni and serve with some nice steamed pak choi or silverbeet..
Nov 21, 6:29pm
I have that exact recipe from a cook book my nana brought me years ago, it was called the Rally cook book for boys and girls, i will give it ago if you think its yummy.
Nov 21, 6:48pm
Fisher's recipe is on the money, though I would just add scoop any fat off the top before serving, stewed Mutton chops is a favourite of mine for veges etc theres no hard and fast rules whatever you have is fine I add a tin of tomatoes to most things like that. Also you can use the same recipe in a slow cooker or crockpot. Special fav of mine is neck chops done same way I serv on the bone :).
Nov 21, 7:24pm
yes it is, I originally got it from my Gran about 40 years ago. Think I add a tin of tomatoes to it and if doing in crockpot I throw in the vegies as well.
Nov 21, 7:55pm
So true beaker... was gonna say I use it in crockpot as well.. Lamb neck chops scorned by so many for so long are ever increasing in price as are chicken necks as people realize their flavour potential.. Lamb shanks are simply out priced now and only a treat where before were a weekly meal...
Nov 21, 8:38pm
I am using loin chops from an old girl who was running around out paddock a few weeks ago! they smell devine so far, I put in some worchester sauce and a little HP sauce as well so fingers crossed for a yummy tea.
Aug 25, 8:43am
well that was real yummy! meat was super tender and tasty, I would recommend that recipe
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