Basic slow cooker recipes

squimage, May 31, 12:20am
As basic as possible with least amount of fancy stuff! !

wrinkles7, May 31, 12:28am
I just had blade steak, carrots and potatoes out of the slow cooker, just threw it together this morn and it was fantastic.

245sam, May 31, 12:33am
squimage, if you're only wanting on-line recipes have a look at:- php? f=10&sid=5a62ec

or try doing a search here on this Trademe MB using 'crockpot' or 'slowcooker' as the Keyword and 'Anytime' as the Keyword -that will find, for you, any available earlier threads along the same lines as your request.

If you're wanting to buy a book or books (or maybe borrow from your nearest library) there's a good number of books by N. Z. ers e. g. Joan Bishop, Alison and Simon Holst, Robyn Martin, Allyson Gofton.

Hope that helps. :-))

jtonkin, May 31, 4:27am
we have a book of trademe crockpot recipies that we put together from the message thread a few years ago, i've listed some more after being asked to... I don't make any money for it, just charge for the copying of it :)

dreaming4eva, Jun 1, 10:45pm
I thought this was against Trademe rules to take other members recipes from the TMMB. Unless you got their permission? ?

nfh1, Jun 2, 4:22am
Didn't this come up a while ago and auctions were pulled which were selling recipes which had been freely posted on here?

thesilver_2, Jun 5, 6:30pm
Hi was wondering if you still had crockpot recipies books for sale I would like one

thesilver_2, Jul 13, 2:54pm
jtonkin was wondering if you still had crockpot recipe book for saleI would love one Saw them on trade me but then forgot