tommi2, terakihi/tarakihi is a fish that is suitable for cooking by any method - according to my little book "NZ Seafood Cooking Methods & Recipes" it can be... . . marinated, baked, poached, casseroled, fried, grilled, steamed, foil-baked, soused. Try doing a search here on this Trademe MB using 'fish' as the Keyword and 'Anytime' as the Date posted option - you'll find a variety of ideas, recipes and some sauces to serve with the fish.
Hope that helps. :-))
May 19, 4:50pm
thanks, i will do that now. I have many recipe books but most don't have specific NZ fish recipes in them, i must buy a NZ seafood recipe book, thank you for your help
May 19, 4:59pm
have found a lovely recipe, thanks a lot 245sam
May 19, 5:42pm
you're most welcome tommi2 - I hope you enjoy your fish meal and can I be nosey and ask which recipe appealed to you? :-))
May 20, 3:51am
this is the one i chose 245sam : Quick fifteen minute tarakihi (or any white fish) Fish Bake 4 fish fillets 1 T grated ginger 1 T soy sauce 2 T olive oil rind & juice of 1 lemon 1 T minced garlic 1 T mustard (any, whole seed is good) 1 T sweet chilli sauce handful basil or tender tips of rosemary Arrange fillets in baking dish. Combine all other ingreds and pour over. Bake uncovered 200*C 10 to 15 mins. It was absolutely delicious, we don't have fresh fish often here but i am def going to make this again, was lovely, once again thank you sooo much
May 20, 4:59am
tommi2 - I posted that! Am so pleased you liked it. It came from TV fisherman-cook Darryl Crimp and I saw him prepare it aboard his boat (on his TV show).
May 23, 1:58pm
ohhh how neat. Thank you so much for posting that recipe, it was really nice, even master 14 loved it, sadly master 8 did not but not because of the taste, he would not eat the fish because he said it is cruel to kill them lol.
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