Hi there... . anybody I want to preserve feijoas! ! ! been given a whole heap and we LOOOOVEEEEEE then so I wanna have some for when the season ends - thought preserving would be a good way - Im open to any recipes or other suggestions? ? ? Cheers
May 13, 11:07pm
marley just on the left is a search box, headed message board, in the keyword or member box type in feijoas and then in the date posted click on the little arrow on the right then on anytime, then click search, there are loads of feijoa recipes. good luck Mum used to bottle them and they were a real treat to have over the year.
May 13, 11:28pm
thanks so much! ! ! You can tell I dont come here often I had no idea about this function! ! ! Thanks! ! !
May 13, 11:48pm
i always feel a bit funny telling people about it, incase they know and think i am being a know it all.
May 14, 3:06am
I've been given lots of feijoas too and here's what I do. If they're big, peel them. If small, cut in half and scoop out the inside. Fill a big bowl with well salted water and drop the peeled/scooped fruit in it (will stop discolouration) I made a light sugar syrup (one cup of sugar and three cups of water) Bring that to the boil. Drain your fruit, then rinse in clear water. Cook in the sugar syrup till they're tender and then I just turned off the heat and froze them in icecream containers when they were cold. You can bottle into jars too if you want, but I find it so much easier to freeze them. Enjoy! !
May 14, 3:37am
I just cut them in half, scoop out into a pot. Sprinkle a little sugar over, if they're not sweet enough, boil for 3-4 mins, then freeze. There's a heck of a lot of juice so no need to add water.
You can freeze them as is - I wash and top and tail them, then bag & freeze in 500gm lots as I have a great recipe for unpeeled feijoa chutney.
May 14, 6:18am
OH lord, at the price we pay in the Sth Island, I would SO love some Feijoas! ! Or Kumara, Avacado, ... Lemons... etc. Tramsport can't really account for all these big price differntials, can it?
May 14, 6:56am
kcak - my husband reckons all the feijoa syrup is the best bit LOL He has them on his breakfast cereal every morning at the moment. I can't stand them myself. Every now and then I'll try one just to make sure . . but no, I still don't like them!
May 14, 8:14am
kcak... . may I have your unpeeled feijoa chutney recipe please? I hate fiddly, and peeling comes under this heading. Much appreciated. TIA
May 14, 9:56am
They are great dehydrated - peel the ripe big fruit and cut into half a cm thickness, dry overnight and pop into small agee jars and hide them from the teenagers!
May 14, 10:00am
o me too please , got loads of them falliung to the ground from a young treeso the fruit is small but sweet and tastey
May 14, 8:35pm
Take heart parryduck. The price of feijoa in the North Island are not that brilliant either. At present they are $9. 95kg and not likely to get cheaper. The reason probably has something to do with the type of fruit. Commercial growers probably pay a premium for the tree stock that produces the large, commercial fruit, and also they probably need more care as opposed to the domestic fruit that we all know and love.
May 14, 10:06pm
I have 3 trees dropping left right and centre. Giving them away by the bagful. We have pigs, but they are a fussy pair, and don't like feijoas. Unbelievable. The sheep and cattle do, so they are getting the small ones, (lots of tiny ones this year).
Would love the chutney recipe though please.
Apr 21, 9:41am
So funny because I started this thread almost a year ago andcame and di a search again for some feijoa recipes and found this!!! hahaha but I would love it if 'kcak' would share with us her feijoa chutney please!!!
Apr 21, 10:03pm
Better not tell this to the pigs who get a couple of bucket fulls every night - and these are the big ones - 5 to a kilo :)
The reason why feijoas are so expensive is that they need to be hand picked if they are to be able to go through the supermarket system and still be edible once they hit the shelf (which is usually about 7 to 10 days after fruit or veges were picked).
And hand picking involves a special introduction as you need to able to pull only with very little force, basically you harvest the ones that would fall later that day - and so they don't have the bumps that then would rot.
If you pull too hard you will be harvesting stuff that will never ripen properly. Many an exporter fell over that hurdle. Without very experienced pickers who can concentrate on the job for hours every day you can forget feijoas as a money maker.
Apr 22, 9:41am
So funny because I started this thread almost a year ago andcame and di a search again for some feijoa recipes and found this! hahaha but I would love it if 'kcak' would share with us her feijoa chutney please!
Apr 22, 12:21pm
In the freezing feijoa message board the other day I found feijoa chutney. I made it my Good Friday job to give it ago, havnt made chutney for years. It is yummy and so easy. Thanks sapne for the recipe.
Apr 22, 10:03pm
Better not tell this to the pigs who get a couple of bucket fulls every night - and these are the big ones - 5 to a kilo :)
The reason why feijoas are so expensive is that they need to be hand picked if they are to be able to go through the supermarket system and still be edible once they hit the shelf (which is usually about 7 to 10 days after fruit or veges were picked).
And hand picking involves a special introduction as you need to able to pull only with very little force, basically you harvest the ones that would fall later that day - and so they don't have the bumps that then would rot.
If you pull too hard you will be harvesting stuff that will never ripen properly. Many an exporter fell over that hurdle. Without very experienced pickers who can concentrate on the job for hours every day you can forget feijoas as a money maker.
May 7, 6:13am
I,ve got two trees that are profuse fruiters! I halve em..scoop..add 1 cup sugar to three cups fruit and stew..Drain with a sieve as you put into sterile jars as there's always too much juice. Great for Feijoa crumble etc
May 14, 10:51pm
Hi there.anybody I want to preserve feijoas! been given a whole heap and we LOOOOVEEEEEE then so I wanna have some for when the season ends - thought preserving would be a good way - Im open to any recipes or other suggestions! Cheers
May 14, 11:07pm
marley just on the left is a search box, headed message board, in the keyword or member box type in feijoas and then in the date posted click on the little arrow on the right then on anytime, then click search, there are loads of feijoa recipes. good luck Mum used to bottle them and they were a real treat to have over the year.
May 14, 11:28pm
thanks so much! You can tell I dont come here often I had no idea about this function! Thanks!
May 14, 11:48pm
i always feel a bit funny telling people about it, incase they know and think i am being a know it all.
May 15, 3:06am
I've been given lots of feijoas too and here's what I do. If they're big, peel them. If small, cut in half and scoop out the inside. Fill a big bowl with well salted water and drop the peeled/scooped fruit in it (will stop discolouration) I made a light sugar syrup (one cup of sugar and three cups of water) Bring that to the boil. Drain your fruit, then rinse in clear water. Cook in the sugar syrup till they're tender and then I just turned off the heat and froze them in icecream containers when they were cold. You can bottle into jars too if you want, but I find it so much easier to freeze them. Enjoy!
May 15, 3:37am
I just cut them in half, scoop out into a pot. Sprinkle a little sugar over, if they're not sweet enough, boil for 3-4 mins, then freeze. There's a heck of a lot of juice so no need to add water.
You can freeze them as is - I wash and top and tail them, then bag & freeze in 500gm lots as I have a great recipe for unpeeled feijoa chutney.
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