I’m looking at replacing my Sunbeam food mixer and would appreciate opinions and comments re your preferred brand and why. TIA.
May 11, 2:12am
I still have my Ralta, 36 years old now. Son has a kenwood, I've used it, and it seems great, makes finer breadcrumbs than mine.
May 11, 9:16am
I'm presuming that you mean a stand food mixer and not a food processor which I think poster 2 is referring to. I have my MIL's Kenwood Chef mixer which is now well over 50 years old and still going strong. The newer models are not as sturdy as the older original ones which just seem to keep on going. There are always some of the older models for sale on TM. I know a lot of people recommend a Kitchenaid mixer but they do come with a hefty price tag.
May 11, 10:40am
Thanks for your responses. Yes, I do mean a stand food mixer and not a processor. I had a Sunbeam which gave up after 17 years hard service. The replacement version is not a patch on the older one. Breville seem to come with mixed reviews and major issues with the beater not reaching down into the smaller bowl - a common complaint amongst the reviewers. It seems the Kenwood is still the people’s favourite as long as it is not made in China. I saw a very flash looking Miele but it had shocking reviews.
May 11, 5:15pm
I reverted back to an old Kenwood, still the best at a reasonable price. Typically sold second had with attachments such as liquidiser and mincer.
May 12, 7:17am
In the last 10 years I have had 2 kenwood mixers, which I both killed the motors on, nowhere as good as the older ones. I now have a kitchenaid, which I find fantastic and have had it for the last 5 years, yes it is expensive, but I use it 2-3 days per week and have had no problems with it. Do your research, and it is dependent on how often you use it and how much you are prepared to spend.
May 13, 5:05am
So. a KitchenAid it is. Thanks Mother’s Day!
May 13, 10:13pm
Sounds like you had a great day :) Which model and colour?
May 14, 2:35am
Model 5KSM 4.7 litre, Medallion Silver.
Sep 22, 5:59pm
very nice :)
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