Yes add milk & egg yolks Then cook until thickened. Beat egg whites until stiff adding slowly still beating 1/4 cup sugar for each egg white. Fold into thicken rice the heat will cook the whites & make a lovely light pudding. I guess to 2 cups rice covered with milk you would need 3 eggs. I just guess when I make it. However if you have used a lot of salt boiling the rice it may be best to make a savoury dish.
Quote niffer13 (88 88 positive feedback) 6:28 pm, Sat 3 May #3
Aug 18, 5:51pm
DD in Australia has just asked if you can add an egg to a rice pudding. I don't make it very often and I don't add an egg. Anyone got a good recipe please that doesn't look like a stodge. TIA
Personally, I never liked egg in rice pudding when I used to make it but you can add it if you want. I found it sort of set it like a quiche and that was not the texture I have always associated with rice pudding. Other may have differing opinions.
Aug 18, 6:55pm
I like egg yolks in a rice pudding, either milk or coconut milk based, very loosely set so that the rice grains are suspended in a creamy soft custard. I use 3 - 4 yolks to a litre of liquid and 2 tab arborio rice.
Aug 18, 7:02pm
The following is a rice pudding that we have enjoyed many times over the years since finding the recipe in one of Alison Holst's books in the 1970's.
Alison Holst’s FLUFFY RICE PUDDING ⅓ cup short grain rice 2 cups milk ½ cup sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla
Cook the rice and milk in a covered bowl over boiling water or in a double boiler, until the rice is tender and the milk nearly an absorbed. This should take about an hour. Stir occasionally. Beat the egg yolks with ¼ cup sugar and add to rice. When the mixture thickens, remove from the heat but leave the bowl over the hot water. Add the vanilla. Beat the egg whites till stiff, add the remaining ¼ cup sugar and beat until the peaks turn over at the tips. Remove the bowl from the hot water and fold the whites into the hot rice, carefully but thoroughly. Serve immediately or cover and chill. Serve with whipped cream, toasted slivered almonds, stewed or canned fruit, raw fruit such as bananas or kiwifruit, or thin jam. Makes 4-6 servings. Note: Never reheat the rice after the egg whites are added. :-))
Aug 19, 1:19am
Creamy Rice Pudding
Yummy, had this last night and its the best rice pudding Ive ever tasted. I got it out of the NZ Womens Weekly, it's a Jo Seager one. 8 heaped tablespoons aborio rice 1/4 cup water 300ml milk 300ml cream (or you can use all milk) Large knob butter 2 tblspns vanilla essence 4 tbspns castor sugar. METHOD: Place rice, water, milk and cream in saucepan. Bring to the boil, then turn down to a very gentle simmer. Stir every so often for 20 mins, until the rice has swelled up and thickened. Rice should be soft, but have a little bite to it. Stir in the butter, vanilla and sugar and stir until disolved. Pour into a dish and place under gentle grill for four to five mins until a brown skin develops. Serve with cream. Serves 4.
Aug 19, 4:06am
Thanks to you all. Some good ones to try.
Aug 19, 5:33am
I've never put egg in rice pudding - why would you, what does it do? Putting egg in it makes it more like custard.
Aug 19, 5:55am
We're all different - to you that is delicious whilst to me it sounds nothing like rice pudding and makes me gag just thinking about it . neither one thing or the other. I'll stick to my creamy baked version I think - especially good with orange zest, raisins and a cinnamon stick.
Aug 24, 7:46pm
My mother made the best rice pudding ever, short grain rice into ovenproof dish, cover with full cream milk or cream and leave in the warming drawer of the oven all day( turned on), stir occasionally and top up with milk if getting too dry. Special treat days she added sultanas or sprinkled with nutmeg or cinnamon. Yummy.
Aug 24, 7:56pm
Wash day special in our house especially in winter when the oven was kept on low all day to help dry the washing on the airer - smelt great coming in from school, clean clothes and rice pudding - yum!
Aug 24, 5:45am
YUM! Has anyone got a slowcooker recipe? Would love to try it in one, thanks.
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