In the process of making Peach Schnapps and don't want to throw the peaches once they have strained. Other than adding them to make boozy ice cream I can't think what to do with them. Any ideas here?
Mar 29, 1:16am
its Saturday night. eat them! to celebrate your lotto winnings
Mar 29, 1:20am
I'd eat them too, with icecream ;o)
Mar 29, 8:23pm
Bottle them, bring to boil with sugar, then put into jar. Had a lady buy Black Boy Peaches off us a few weeks back - she adds brandy to hers, bottles as normal. Might be worth a shot, if you dont mind risking a few cups of sugar.
Mar 29, 11:09pm
. or put them into the freezer, as is, or as an adult version of sorbet. They'll keep til you are ready to use them! YUMM! Maybe you could use them in a slice as a substitute for a jam or fruit filling- as in Louise cake or apple shortcake, or put a layer in to cheesecake base and put cheesecake mix on the top. Mix in with spongecake base and make a boozy peach trifle.
Nov 16, 11:01am
how do you make peach schnapps. havent had that to drink for a long time
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