My thought would be no; they will go soggy. Maybe lightly oil the muffin tins so the jelly will tip out when set.
Jan 6, 12:15am
My thoughts also, and IMO the jelly would need to be made with less water to enable it to be handled, but you may have already thought of that.
Good luck - I hope you achieve the end result you're wanting. :-))
Jan 6, 11:08pm
we have put jelly into the carboard which are fashionable
one leaked (the seam had a split)
the cardboard was soft by time of eating, but it worked
I wouldn't try paper ones
Jan 6, 11:30pm
You could try placing paper cases inside muffin pans, and carefully pour in cold jelly. could be an ass to get the paper off though. spray with non-stick ?
Jan 10, 11:06pm
I would spray the cases with the can oil. Make the jelly then set until like egg white then pour into the cases. As long as the jelly is almost set I think it would set pretty quickly. Good luck if you try.
Jan 12, 12:49am
what about using the rubbery plastic ones Im sure they would work cant remember what theya re called
Jan 12, 2:30am
What about silicone ones?
Jan 25, 7:59pm
Add some agar powder to the jelly to help it set a little firmer
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