Not too keen on reading labels it seems. First world problem?
The supermarkets responded saying they have large vegan fruit and vege sections already.
Possibly organic shops might be more amenable to a dedicated aisle. Kill 2 birds with one stone, 3 if you count the stores increased income.
Funny comment to the article from someone who thinks they should separate Vegemite from Marmite as the latter is based on meat. Oh dear.
'New Zealand supermarkets should be doing more to cater to the country's growing vegan population, the animal-product-free eaters say. Aiden Weir has launched an online petition calling for Countdown supermarkets to set up a dedicated vegan section.'
Maybe because they already have an answer to his request: "Foodstuffs, the company that owns New World and Pak 'n Save, said: "We do have a dedicated vegan section it's called 'Fresh Fruit and Vegetables' and it is available in every store! "Creating one aisle just wouldn't be practical from a store design perspective."
Or maybe relocate to Europe: German man Jan Bredack launched vegan supermarket chain Veganz in 2011.
Dec 4, 9:49pm
I think that people who barbeque meat continually during summer should put up signs on their house so that vegetarians know not to buy a house next to them .
Dec 4, 9:56pm
Becoming vegan is a choice, not a dietary requirement. People have a right to make whatever (lawful) choices they like within most societies. Some choices may lead to a need to make more personal effort on the part of the one choosing that lifestyle. In this case research needs to be done, labels need to be read and entering into communication with others following the same lifestyle choice (for example via message boards of like minded people who are happy to share tips and advice) would be a good idea. Like anything, after a while, it becomes easier with familiarity and repetition to get the job done.
We're lucky to live in a pretty liberal and accepting society in NZ which means we have people among us with very different points of view often sharing the same mainstream facilities. Catering to one dynamic over all others would be almost impossible in most situations. Food is well labeled with good disclosure for the most part theses days making different diet choices much more achievable but some effort has to be put forth if there are special requirements or desires regarding diet. If in doubt it is possible to make most things from scratch at home giving a person total control over the end product.
Sometimes following our ethics means making an effort.
Dec 4, 9:58pm
I think it is unnecessary and it would be untidy and unworkable - imagine an aisle for vegan, one for gluten free, one for dairy free, one for lacto-ovo vegetarians, sugar free, msg free, it could be endless and you would never know where to find anything. Even with just a vegan aisle there would be duplications or people who are not vegan would not know where to look for things that used to be somewhere else.
Dec 4, 11:01pm
Yes, if you are vegan you need to read labels - if that is already too hard then i can see a lot of problems ahead with the chosen lifestyle.
here is what the NZ supermarkets have to say: "Foodstuffs said it offered products for a variety of different dietary needs, including gluten-free, sugar-free, organic, vegan and kosher. The overwhelming majority of consumers find it easiest to negotiate the store by regular categories, they then seek out products within those sections to meet their specific dietary needs."
However as I said before he is petitioning an Australian company - not the NZ ones, which apparently are already quite happy with what they do for different dietary needs.
Dec 5, 12:33am
Why separate aisles for Vegan its a very small section of society and the products are already there for them. Most people grow out of it anyway.
Dec 5, 2:15am
If most people grow out of it why is veganism increasing dramatically all around the world. If supermarkets want vegan's custom then I think they should provide separate aisles. Is annoying having to read every food label.
Dec 5, 2:44am
Increasing dramatically to 0.001% of the population, supermarkets would do better having special sections for home brewers, OH that's right they do.
Dec 5, 2:55am
If it's not normally a product you buy, you only have to read the label once. You'll know for next time. Most shoppers tend to buy the same things each week and know where they are located. It's not just vegans who read labels. I think it's just being lazy.
Dec 5, 3:01am
Many people, myself included, have to read food labels not just vegans, ie: sodium, sugar, fat content as well as all the numbers of additives some of which can cause an allergic reaction. Yes it's a pain, but one we all have to bear when shopping, vegan or not. I'm not vegan but do often cook and enjoy vegan/vegetarian meals.
Dec 5, 3:02am
yes! right next to the meat isle.
Dec 5, 3:10am
It's fine as long as vegans don't eat them afterwards.
Dec 5, 3:13am
What would happen if a supermarket put a non vegan product in the vegan aisle by mistake? Would angry vegans demand compensation?
And anyway, would honey be in or out?
Dec 5, 4:00am
This is true, there are many reason that people either want, or need, to read labels. It's a pain but that's the reason we have much better regulations these days about the info we're supplied with on our food products of choice - so that we can make an informed choice. Personally I'd like the supermarkets I shop with to provide a 'sampa' aisle. not asking too much surely?
Dec 5, 4:04am
Honey is definitely not vegan, cage reared bees, forced labour.
Dec 5, 4:32am
Don't they normally have boutique type shops for things like this.
Dec 5, 4:53am
Lol, maybe I could request a Nauru aisle too
Dec 5, 4:58am
There's a business idea for someone Eh! MAybe call it "Holier than thou"
Dec 5, 4:58am
Absolutely, why not? One each for good customers I say!
Editing to add. bet we'd still 'peak around the edges' to see what other aisles had to offer though. still need toilet paper and stuff for cleaning and. what about my dogs food?
It's a quanadrum for sure!
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