I left a pot unattended last week whilst making tamarillo relish. End result - severely burnt bottom of pot. So far I have tried soaking 24 hours in hot water with dishwashing powder (twice!); soaking in vinegar; simmering for about an hour with water and washing soda. All to no avail. Does anyone have any other suggestions please (apart from NOT leaving a pot unattended!) ;)
Aug 6, 9:37pm
put water in pot and add couple tablespoons of baking soda let sit for awhle
Aug 6, 9:37pm
One old remedy - bury pot outside in dirt, suppose for a month or so. Never tried it, but supposedly works. Maybe last resort stuff.
Aug 6, 9:38pm
Oh - I also tried soaking overnight in straight bleach!
Aug 6, 9:51pm
Salt! Cover the bottom of the pan in salt add a little water,being to boil and let boil away for a few mins and then turn it off.Let it sit overnight and then boil again and then scrub.I've tried this method a few times and always works.
Aug 6, 10:21pm
Yes it does work. My Mum taught me this, she says something in the soil (enzymes I think) gets rid of the burnt stuff. It takes ages though.
Aug 6, 10:35pm
Oh yes -womble I also tried soaking overnight in a water and baking soda! ;)
It is currently sitting on the bench having just had water and baking soda boiling in it for 10 minutes, then I added white vinegar. Seems to have move a tiny bit of the burnt stuff. So my next two things to try will be salt, and probably oven cleaner. If all this doesn't work, I may have to admit defeat. I hate that!
Aug 6, 10:56pm
I use a strong solution of dishwasher powder/water . boil it up & let it sit overnight or longer & it works for me.
Aug 7, 12:29am
I think I'm finally making headway . the first coating of oven cleaner has lifted about 70% of it, so I have re-applied. Looks like I might get to keep my pot after all.
Aug 7, 12:49am
. great!
Aug 7, 6:38pm
Place a half cup of baking soda and heaps of boiling water, bring to boil, leave overnight. The burnt stuff will fall off.
Aug 7, 8:04pm
don't know if it works, but I have heard bury in the garden for a few days
Aug 7, 9:09pm
Oven cleaner.
Aug 7, 9:26pm
Yep - 100% success with oven cleaner. =) Took two applications, but it finally worked. Thanks everyone.
Aug 8, 12:40am
boil it with rhubarb
Aug 8, 2:30am
Why waste the rhubarb. Yum.
Jan 14, 11:48am
Napisan or persil ultimate. Soak overnight (:
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