Has anyone made this according to her recipe and cooking instructions? I would like to know if it is crunchy on the outside, as we prefer a crust. I have one in the oven now, and it's looking like a big softee. just wondering whether to bump the oven up a bit. What would you do?
Dec 21, 9:11pm
Wish I could help, rainrain1 . I'm not the best pav maker & although I'm getting better it's always a bit hit & miss! So I'll bump this for you anway. Don't think I'd like to have the oven on today . 38 degrees here & seems to be rising!
Dec 21, 9:20pm
rainrain1, most recipes will have the oven at a high temp for the first couple of minutes, maybe very slightly longer or slightly hotter, this is where that crunchiness is formed to the outer surface of the pavlova, why eventually when pavs are nearly done that they will crack as the inside part shrinks a little and the pavs collapses a little.
So that initial heat is the reason for the crunchiness, you could stretch to say another minute or turn the temp up say another 10C and see how it goes.
Hopes this helps.
Editing to add that noticed her recipe where oven at 110C and that is it re temp is concerned, too me that is where you will miss out on the crunchiness, I would start with 220C for 3 minutes then turn the oven down to 100 to 110 c for the next hour and a half or so.
Dec 21, 9:59pm
Sorry Valentino I don't agree. Vinegar gives the crunchiness and the cornflour gives the marshmallow inner. I never ever use a high temperature on a pav , always cook it at 110 for 1 hour for 4 egg whites, and an hour and a half for 6 egg whites and it will be crunchy and slightly browned on the outside and marshmallowy inside. I always invert the pav when cooked and cream the bottom of it.
Dec 21, 10:01pm
Hi rainrain1 , Lorraine. Hoped it turned out for you okay.
Sorry but just re-read your posting and noted that it was in the oven, by now should be well and truly baked and to your liking hence would be nice to know if it did turn out ok or your opinion at least.
Cheers and have a Great Christmas.
Dec 21, 10:09pm
Well it is the very worst pavlova I have ever made, a crumbled mess of way too much sweetness. mind you I'm no pav maker, but that recipe was a shocker. 8 eggs, too many. it just fell to bits, we are going to have to eat it now or toss it out. Decisions, decisions!
Dec 21, 10:12pm
Yes, agreed to the vinegar, cornflour.
I'm not a fan of Winter's Recipes but the OP is asking for Help, not a slinging match.
There are variations re oven temps and how it is used, the one I like is 220c for the first 2 minutes, it just gives that nice shell effect, then down to 100c for an hour and a half then switched oven off but pav left in oven. This works great for me.
Why turn a pav over though, the bottom surface is the surface that should never crack, is the base part of the Pav and the softish bits are all above albeit the very top which will be cracked but then that is where the cream topping and flavourings will do their bit with the Pav. Oh the Baking paper is still on it and easy to use for serving.
Dec 21, 10:18pm
Rainrain1, very sorry this did not work out for you.
You know that on some recipes these days are using a rating like easy, Average, Medium hard, hard and very hard, maybe these writers should start using this system like the other Pros are starting.
Dec 21, 11:30pm
Chelsea Winter's recipes would all be rated easy imo so if rain rain is having an issue it will be genuine and not a novice cook thing I am guessing?
Dec 21, 11:48pm
Yea, I'm not sure that I like her start temperature, needs to be higher in my oven I have decided. the outer shell was too soft and too pale, and it just crumbled into a complete ,mess. It was a beautiful firm raw mixture too. Them's the breaks, annoying and all as it is. Here chook chook chook
Dec 21, 11:49pm
Try the Chelsea Sugars Pavlova recipe, perfect every time. If you ever want to make one again that is lol./ Make your CW one into Eaton Mess or Ambrosia or something. Some raspberries or similar should balance out the sweetness maybe
Dec 21, 11:51pm
Good idea. thanks, I might do that>
Dec 22, 12:16am
Rainrain - I lost my favourite recipe last Xmas and decided to give Chelsea Winter's recipe a go.
It was a complete disaster just like yours - but I had use it as I had no time to make another and no backup. Never again!
I am after a pav recipe that's crunchy on the outside and marshmallowy chewy on the inside.
Dec 22, 12:39am
Oh thank god. I thought maybe I've lost my mojo
Dec 22, 12:40am
This is the recipe that Use mostly now, never a problem.
Copied and pasted how it was originally posted.
Pavlova made with Icing Sugar My MIL has given me a recipe for Pav made with Icing sugar, you just put all the ingredients into the bowl and mix. I love this recipe it is soo easy and comes out really really good! , even tastes liek the pav's made with caster sugar. 6 egg Whites, 3 Cups Icing Sugar, 2 teaspoons Cornflour, 2 teaspoons White Vinegar, 2 Tablespoons Boiling water. METHOD. Beat- the FIRST FOUR Ingrediants together while boiling the jug. Add the Boiled Water. Beat until thick and smoothe (approx 15 mins). Pile onto a baking Paper lined oven tray (pile thickly NOT widely). Cook for 2 mintues at 200 degrees C, then turn down and cook a further 1 1/2 hours at 100 degrees C. (Leave in oven overnight to cool) I can not for the life of me make a caster sugar pav, and ever since I have been making them to my MIL's recipe they have been turning out perfect no cracks no sagging just perfect round fat plump pavs I obviously don't have the knack to make the caster sugar ones posted by 3084me From the old TMC website.
Dec 22, 12:49am
rainrain inspired me to get cracking, so when I got home I bunged one in the oven & that's the recipe I use . It's a little more golden on the top than I would have liked, but it's now just resting until the morning & hasn't collapsed or anything, so here's hoping! I can cover the 'gold' coour under a pile of other stuff.
Dec 22, 12:51am
I will keep that one to try maybe next year now. I'm off to buy one tomorrow
Dec 22, 1:15am
To cut down on over-goldening on the top is to have another oven rack placed above the pav and simply place another over tray on it.
Most ovens with have an upper element and the idea is to lessen the effect from this element directly to the top of the pav.
Hope you follow these thoughts, not the best person to use the right words.
The other thought is to go a level lower in the oven, this works a little.
Dec 22, 2:02am
Honestly, chelsea sugars recipe is beautiful and fail proof.
Dec 22, 2:16am
It's Chelsea Winters recipe, not to be confused with Chelsea Sugar Company and their recipes.
Dec 22, 2:43am
I find the Edmonds recipe the best of all. It's has a lovely thick crunchy outside with plenty of soft marshmellow inside. I think that it's the 3 tablespoons of water in it that makes the difference. Also the temperature higher to start cooking then reduce.
Dec 22, 3:42pm
Thanks valentino . that makes perfect sense & will definitely use that tip next time. . Actually it's turned out not too bad, I think my oven door glass may be slightly tinted, not dirty! ;o) & it made it look darker than it was & I didn't peek at it while it was cooling overnight.
Dec 22, 5:21pm
That is why I said the Chelsea Sugar recipe is awesome and fail proof, not Chelsea Winters - not confused
Dec 22, 6:47pm
Was making this comment more clearer, Cheers.
Dec 22, 8:17pm
Hope you got it sorted rainrain, for a crunchy crust i heat oven up to 200c before putting in, once in oven turn it back to 110 to cook for about a hour or just over before turning it off leave till cold before removing, DONT open door to peek, works for me with 8 egg pavs, make at night remove in the morning works for me in my oven.
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