Once-A-Month Cooking

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mjhdeal, Jul 18, 2:53pm
Don't know how amazing really. I didn't have to eat it (lol).

I do always make casseroles in large quantities to freeze for future meals. As I make three meals a day from scratch, sometimes I like to have the night off from cooking! So then all I have to do is the vegetables (which isn't really having the night off from cooking I guess, but I find chopping vegetables therapeutic).

rainrain1, Jul 18, 4:26pm
Ha ha. sounds like cooking for the main shear , without the fancy hair and makeup

uli, Jul 18, 11:45pm
I have just quoted from the website one post further up.
Did not grow on my compost I am afraid - but that person got it nailed I think :)

uli, Jul 18, 11:46pm
Yeah the recipes are .

kiwiscrapper1, Feb 21, 5:44pm
I do it for convience not to save money, when I make slow cook recipes I double it then frreze in meal portions, on the weekend I made triple lasgne recipe, sent one to son had one for dinner and froze another. I get two days off, one is spent with 3.5yr old grand-daughter the other is spent doing housework and catching up on washing etc so I wouldnt have time to cook a months worth of meal, but what I do freeze tastes fine and seeing as I do all the cooking hubby wouldnt even know!