I am after a recipe for Military Pickle.has anyone heard of it and do you have a recipe.
A friend told me about it, and how he made it many years ago.a recipe out of a WWII book I think, then he lent the book to someone and as is relatively normal, the book didn't come back.He has said he would like to have some again.any help would be appreciated.TIA
Feb 25, 2:40pm
I have never heard of it, but did find a few interesting snippets on Google
A Spicy Military Pickle, developed from an original WI recipe, produced by hand in small batches to maintain all the goodness of the ingredients.
This beautifully blended pickle is an ideal accompaniment to cold meats and pies, created with the very best produce by a small family producer based in a village just south of York.
Here you go, I think this might just do it for you. Just taken directly as it was written.
Military Pickle (and remarks)
1 marrow, fair sized (zucchini or other long squash) 1 lb (500g) cauliflower florets, left so you can appreciate that it's cauliflower 1 lb (500g) French beans (haricots! green beans! both!) 7 chile peppers (presumably fresh, green or ripe) 1 oz (30g) ginger, chopped fine or minced 1 1/4 C flour (the Brit-ism has it 1 breakfast cup, 1.2 C/284ml) -- scanted 1 cucumber 1 lb (500g) onions 1 lb (500g) sugar 2 quarts/up to 2.5L vinegar (conversion seems in error here, perhaps a maximum amount is intended to be given -- well, this ain't rocket surgery) 1 oz (30g) turmeric powder
salt to draw -- almost like brining Chef knife, saucepan, jars/lids
Cut vegetables small, cover with the salt, leave for 12 hours then drain. Put veggies into saucepan, add vinegar, boil 6 min. Mix powdered ingredients to a smooth paste (in a little vinegar, I suppose) and add to veggies while they boil. Boil or simmer all together for 30 min at least, stirring frequently to prevent any burning.
Put into jars, put up as in canning: sterilization procedures and all. Apparently usable at once, no doubt some nuances come with ageing. Said to be damn fine with strong Cheddar. say, Wensleydale, a crumbly, somewhat sour cheese of the white cheddar description. (Is it true Wallace and Gromit rescued the entire English Wensleydale industry!)
Feb 25, 11:57pm
Oh goodness me cookessentials.where did you find that.well done and thank you.I will get a batch done and see what he thinks.mind you things we liked when younger just don't seem to taste the same when we get older.or not quite as we remember them lol.
Thank you.
Feb 26, 12:07am
Question.Chile peppers.do they mean chilies.or capsicums (peppers).a little confusing.well for me anyway lol
Feb 26, 12:37am
Almost certainly it means hot chillis.Capsicums were not commonly available, and seven would be hugely out of proportion in that recipe.
Feb 26, 12:42am
I just found the same website. www.cellar-org I loved the comments about the cheese, plus Wallace and Gromit
Feb 26, 2:04am
You are very welcome jag5. I think it depends how you ask the question on Google and I cant remember HOW I asked the question now LOL. I started with military pickle recipe which bought up the one or two at the top, then I think I asked "recipe for military pickle" or something like that. It was a pretty obscure sort of blog I found it on which someone has found.good on you. Lets hope it turns out how he remembers it. Do let us know, then maybe we can make it too.
Feb 26, 2:06am
Yes, it was an odd sort of page, but, hey, if the recipe is ok, everyone will be happy.
Feb 26, 2:58am
Thank you all guys.looking forward to making it.another one to add to my repertoire (sp) lol
Feb 27, 3:50pm
Let us know how it turns out jag5
Mar 1, 11:08pm
Righto .made it this morning.made some errors.but still tastes damn nice. It doesn't say which vinegar to use.as soon as I put the malt into the pot.I thought.nah.should have been white. I had halved the recipe but when I measured out the sugar I put full whack.it is sweet but not over sweet.so all in all.I will make it again.
I sent a jar down the road to the guy that used to make it.didn't tell him what it is.asked him to try it and give me an honest opinion.haven't heard yet.
Mar 2, 7:10pm
Here is a reference published in 1906, in the Star newspaper, by a Christchurch firm called Hayward Bros. They made Military Pickle, and Malt vinegar is the the correct vinegar to use.
"The Military pickle is the leading line in the display. In uniform square bottles, it is built into a large ornamental castle, well calculated to show the pickle to the best advantage. Locally-grown vegetables, fine spices, and Hayward Bros.' pure malt vinegar alone enter into the manufacture of this paragon of relishes; and that it is appreciated is indicated by the fact that last year, alone, 200,000 bottles of it were sold in London. The vinegar used in the Military pickles, and, indeed, in all the productions of the firm, is a guaranteed pure malt vinegar, brewed from malt made from Canterbury barley."
Mar 2, 9:07pm
The published reference in the Christchurch Star says that Haywood Bros. also make a "Military Chutnee (sic) Sauce". This probably refers to a chutney which seems to have been popular in the Military, called Major Gray's Army Chutney. It is a mango based chutney, and Google comes up with recipes for it.
Mar 3, 1:59am
Thank you lurtz.Malt it will be in future too then.
Sep 30, 8:40am
Hi, it's that time of year for pickle making and I finally found chef _cookessentials recipe followed by a discussion on what type of vinegar. Well, for what it's worth, I have been making this pickle for years ( but lost the recipe) but have found that malt does make the pickle a browner, murky look instead of bright yellow found with spirit ( colourless) vinegar. Happy pickling!
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