Has anyone received theirs yet!I subscribe but it's normally here before now and I haven't been to town for over a week to check Countdowns shelves.
Jan 28, 3:59am
I haven't seen the new one in the supermarket yet.
Jan 28, 4:22am
I have a subscription (thanks to my sister for Christmas) but haven't received mine in the mail yet.
Jan 28, 4:49am
wildflower, I subscribe to "Food" but haven't received my February/March copy yet either, nor have I been in a Countdown supermarket for the last week.:-))
Jan 28, 4:52am
According to their FB page, its due in-store 4th feb :)
Jan 28, 6:02am
Thanks everyone.I got my NZ Gardener a few days ago but the Food mag normally preceeds it so good to know it just hasn't got lost:)
Jan 30, 2:35am
It should be arriving any day - but be aware if your subscription has expired and you haven't realised. My expired before Xmas of which I wasn't aware and was wondering why after seeing the current issue around in the shops that I hadn't received mine. After waiting a few weeks I connected the publishers to find out why, only to be told my sub had finished. I had received no reminder from them at all which seems strange. Most magazines are extremely 'on the ball' letting you know your subscription is almost up. Anyway I've subscribed again.
Jan 30, 5:56am
I saw that the December January issue had a goodie bag with it at the Warehouse. The new issue isn't out there yet either. I'm on holiday so been waiting for it since I have time to pour over it.
Feb 1, 11:05pm
Hi, has anyone received their copy yet!
Feb 1, 11:22pm
Still waiting and.my subscription is current. I recalled that it was quite a while since I paid a sub so after nzhel's advice at #7 I checked and November a year ago I paid for 2 years which means that I'm ok for the rest of this year and hoping that today's postal delivery may have the mag.:-))
Feb 1, 11:37pm
My subs good too so it looks like it won't arrive before it hits the shops cos the postie's already been today.
Feb 1, 11:56pm
Not here.
Feb 2, 1:37am
Postie's been here too now and no mag, so I think you're right thelaw014.:-))
Feb 2, 1:39am
Our Warehouse in Thames had run out of the goodie bags.
Feb 2, 3:22am
Same here. I figured it would arrive today :(
Feb 2, 3:30am
nope, me and my daughters havent received their's either. will phone on monday and check. we have subscriptions.
Feb 3, 9:01pm
Not in the mail today either. Did they give you an approx delivery date korbo!
Feb 3, 10:31pm
saw the latest one at the supermarket today.
Feb 4, 12:42am
opps, havent had a chance to phoneyet.
Feb 4, 3:15am
Done, a nice lady on the phone told me the mag is delayed, and that the shops do get there's early than subscribers. keep waiting, it will be worth the wait.I am sure.
Feb 4, 3:49am
That's odd cos usually subscribers get theirs first.Quite late this time as it's usually before the NZ Gardener and I've already finished that.
Thanks for letting us know korbo:)
Feb 4, 4:16am
I always get mine several days after it is in the shops. The only reason I subscribe is the price. It is slightly cheaper.
Feb 4, 4:18am
and today is the fourth - so they are on time.
Feb 5, 5:23am
My mag has just been received in today's post . yay!Looking forward to having a good browse through it later.
Feb 5, 7:33am
Mine came today in the post and l had a quick look through it before dinner and it made me really hungry with a lovely looking recipes as they always have
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