Walnuts ready to pickle question

anne1955, Jan 16, 12:44am
When do they come to this state!I live in Dn and would love to buy some to makesherry up from a recipe I have.I tried it and it was yummy don't seem to be able to buy them in that state anyone sell them like that!Anyone sell them in that state!Happy to buy 3-4kgs seems cheap to send via courier I have brought fejoas like that from North Island and sure the lady said when I brought 4 kgs and under cheapier than over 5 kgs to send.If anyone sells them please say and I'll keep the name/sellers name on my fav's list.thanks

cgvl, Jan 16, 4:12pm
you need green walnuts picked before the shell has formed. It maybe a bit late in season now. We picked ours at begining of month and they are at the drying stage ready to pickle/bottle in around 7days.
I can check our tree but dont really want to denude it at this stage as have a good crop this year and wont have any available at all next year.

summersunnz, Jan 18, 1:03am
I usually pickle them mid-December here - Bay of Plenty - with the difference in climate there in Dunedin, they may be right around now for you. Try contacting someone through:
- they may be able to put you onto someone local to you.

anne1955, Jan 20, 1:36pm
Thanks people I thought I might be to late for this year but will look and see if any can be got locally still.

fifie, Jan 20, 4:35pm
Have you tried the farmers market! seems to be a few central otago fruit growers there, they might be able to advise you, or try contacting some of them.