Can someone please tell me the easiest and nicest way to cook beetroot, been given quite a few, and never cooked it myself before, so just want the best way to do it.Not for bottling, not enough to warrant that, but also how to store it best.Thanks
Jan 21, 1:15am
I just wash it then boil in salted water like I'd cook spuds. when cooked the skins will slip off easily. then I place it in a klip it container with a bit of sugar and vinegar.
Jan 21, 1:19am
MIL roasted some the other day with rest of roast vegies. Just cut into quaters and roasted as per normally would. Was lovely!
Jan 21, 1:21am
Oh I cooked a couple of our homegrown ones yesterday and they were delicious.Wash them really well and cut the leaves off about 1 cm above the beetroot.Leave the bottom roots in tact.Wrap each one in buttered paper (I actually used butter wrappers) and cook them for an hour in at 160 degrees.We will have one of them cold with salad but the other one I roasted with the potatoes last night for half an hour - tender and full of flavour.
Jan 21, 2:45am
Nice way to use in salads, cook till tender ina pot of water, when cool enough to handle skin should pop off cut into cubes. For 5-6 beetroot,Put in saucepan 1 cup brown malt vinegar. 1/2 cup water. 1/2 cup sugar. 1/4 tsp cinnamon. 2 whole cloves. 4 peppercorns. 1 ~ 2 bay leaves, mix well bring to boil then simmer 15 mins. Put cubed B/R in a sterlised jar pour the sievedliquid over it. When cold keep in the fridge and use as required. Gives B/R a nice flavourthis came from Fisher and makes a change from the normal bottled one.
Jan 21, 5:05am
You can slow roast them with a splash of balsamic vinegar or just boil them with a little vinegar and some spices like peppercorns and cloves in the water.
Jan 21, 5:58am
Peel and cut into wedges, slow roast with a Tblsp each of brown sugar, oil, and balamic vinegar in preheated oven 180*C for 40-45 minutes
Jan 21, 10:05am
if you do a search (in left column) there are great beetroot chutney recipes that Im hoping to use when I my beetroot are ready
Jan 21, 6:11pm
gosh, who stole the s out of balsamic
Jan 23, 1:43am
My Favourite way. so and tail the beetroot and peel them with spud peelerDepending on size cut into uniform sizes. Into pot of water with 1tsp salt , 2 tsp sugar , heaps of ground black pepper , few peppercorns and a good slosh of balsamic vinegar. Bring to the boil then simmer until tender. I sometime throw a sprig or two of rosemary in pot.
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