I just made pesto, I have more than what we can eat. Can you freeze pesto!
Jan 3, 11:33pm
Yes you can.
Jan 3, 11:50pm
I've just recently tried out pesto that I froze last summer, and it was still perfect=)
Jan 4, 12:04am
It freezes perfectly. Some people say to leave out the cheese if you're going to freeze it, and add it after it's thawed as the freezing apparently affects the texture of the cheese. But I've never noticed any problem.
Jan 4, 12:27am
Great thanks everyone going to freeze in small containers. First time making pesto (parsley pesto) so delicious.
Jan 4, 12:48am
I make my pesto then put it into my freezer trays and when frozen I put them into wee plastic bags and into the freezer.take out cubes when required.fab!
Jan 4, 2:25am
Freeze mine all the time!
Jan 4, 2:36am
Yes i do this too - so nice in winter to have with pasta or homemade bread .
Jan 4, 11:21pm
Brilliant idea - why didn't I think of that!=) I do that with lemon juice when lemons are abundant, and with tomato paste that's left over when I open a tin of it.Never thought about the pesto though.
Jan 5, 5:00pm
When I make pesto and I freeze it, I add little more oil than normal and then put the pesto in containers.The pesto then can be scooped out with a dessertspoon.Chunks of pesto are delicious eaten frozen.
Jan 5, 5:58pm
You could invent pesto ice cream :)
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