Drain before using to serve! or store once drained! any one actually tried and tested this!
Dec 23, 12:51am
I can't understand it either. I've found the best way to store strawberries is to make sure they're bone dry and in a single layer in the fridge.
Dec 23, 1:07am
A lady in the supermarket told me she bought her strawberries 10 days before xmas and then layered them inbetween paper towels. and sealed them in an airtight container in the fridge! They keep for up 2 weeks like this as they don't have air circulating them! Just check everyday and reline with paper towels when you think need be.
So you have tried this. And the rest of the instructions still confuse me. there is not much "what" left anyway! Strawberries or liquid. And do you store them in the liquid or out of it!
Dec 23, 3:36am
I read this as you rinse the strawberries in the vinegar mix and then drain them.I find an air tight container works well provided you ensure they are super fresh when you put them in.No squishy ones!
Dec 23, 4:03am
I just keep mine in a paper towel lined container in the fridge and they keep well.Not sure about the vinegar and water method.
I'm another who found your original post a bit confusing.
Dec 23, 4:43am
Tetchy!I couldn't understand it either, and"not much liquid left as IF the strawberries are going to disappear" isn't any clearer.
Dec 23, 4:43am
I couldn't understand it either, and"not much liquid left as IF the strawberries are going to disappear" isn't any clearer.
Dec 23, 4:44am
All that was missing was a little punctuation, but it was rather self explanatory using the word "drain".
Yesterday at PnS the strawberries were already turning in the punnets, little bruised bits with slight mould growth already visible on them in almost every pack. The vinegar trick above might just be the saviour for those who have little option but buy less than lovely strawberries with the rain now hitting local growers.
Dec 23, 4:44am
All that was missing was a little punctuation, but it was rather self explanatory using the word "drain".
Yesterday at PnS the strawberries were already turning in the punnets, little bruised bits with slight mould growth already visible on them in almost every pack if you looked carefully. The vinegar trick above might just be the saviour for those who have little option but buy less than lovely strawberries with the rain now hitting local growers.
Dec 23, 4:49am
I bought strawberries before the Xmas price hike, cooked them up into a sauce and froze it. I'll have strawberry sauce drizzled over my pav instead of "fresh" ones. It'll have to do.
Dec 23, 4:50am
The very best way, tried and tested and they keep for several days - glass jars (not plastic, I use preserving jars with a glass spring lid.
Sort the strawberries when you get them home and remove any that are a little soft (eat them - I do) don't wash the remainder or remove the centres just gently load them into a glass jar or two and make sure they are tightly sealed.I have kept them in perfect condition this way for several days.
I bought my Christmas strawberries and cherries too a few days ago and all are residing in the fridge in their glass containers looking pretty!
Dec 23, 4:59am
l stored my blueberries, raspberries and strawberries in glass jars for 2 weeks and they all came out lovely and fresh, just make sure when you put them in there are no soft bits l do this every year before the price hikes of Christmas
Dec 23, 5:34am
On a flat tray in a single layer - if they sit on each other that is when they get soft and brown.I have bought mine and they will be fine on Christmas Day.Any that look like they wont survive (I check each day) go into a sauce
Dec 23, 5:41am
Make up a strawberry jelly with one cup of water.When jelly almost to setting dip strawberries in.These keep for a few days and ok to top a pavlova.
Dec 23, 6:41am
This way does work :)
Dec 23, 7:57am
My m8 drops of buckets every few days as he works at strawberry gardens. I just keep in the vege chiller in the fridge haha but find they are eaten pretty quickly
Dec 23, 9:39am
this is what I do, it works.
Dec 23, 10:04am
I have heard of thevinegar method and thought I would try it but pak n save still have them for $2.98 a punnet! as for raspberrys $7.98 and about 1/4 size punnet the strawberries come in. you fill a bowl up with the vinegar mix drop in your strawberries leave for 1 min then drain the water off, put in a container in the fridge.
Dec 23, 10:04am
I have heard of thevinegar method and thought I would try it but pak n save still have them for $2.98 a punnet! as for raspberrys $7.98 and about 1/4 size punnet the strawberries come in. you fill a bowl up with the vinegar mix drop in your strawberries leave for 1 min then drain the water off, put in a container in the fridge, they are supposed to keep for 2 weeks! and I thought it was 1 part vinegar 9 parts water.
Dec 23, 6:57pm
Yuk. Just eat them fresh.
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