1motoxman, Dec 4, 11:22pm

davidt4, Dec 4, 11:48pm
Olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, dried oregano, salt and pepper.

sossie1, Dec 4, 11:50pm
i second the above, stab the lamb all over and shove in a mixture of the above

carlosjackal, Dec 5, 2:09am
garlic cloves peeled and crushed, a small bunch of fresh rosemary - chopped finely, zest and juice of 1 lemon, olive oil.

medicina, Dec 6, 2:30am
Tis a whole lamb on a spit I presume so will need bulbs of garlic and sticks of rosemary bush to shove into the lambie.Oil frequently for nice crusty edge.We did one last year, yummy!

carlosjackal, Dec 6, 4:32am
I'd cut a few smallish slits and poke whole or halved (and peeled) garlic cloves into the meat and then rub all over with the marinade.

1motoxman, Dec 6, 10:41pm
thanks for the info!