Recipe for bottled Beetroot Please

walker18, Oct 11, 4:53pm
I used Vinegar,sugar and water beetroot was boiled in. Can't remember how much of each.

jessie981, Oct 11, 4:55pm
I've put this recipe up before, but here it is again, and it is really will never want to bottle it any other way.I am doing some right now :-)

Boil for 20 minutes
1 cup vinegar
1 cup sugar
2 cups water
1 tsp salt
Then add cooked sliced beetoot to liquid while boiling. Bring back to boil and overflow into jars and seal.


rainrain1 (7 ) 11:03 am, Wed 26 Jan #2 2011
Pop into lefthand message board & under keyword put bottled beetroot. under date posted enter last year.

walker18, Oct 11, 6:03pm
Thank You all done