Can you freeze home made dip?

onenana, Sep 27, 11:19pm
I have a fabulous recipe for dip. it has spinach, sour cream, whole egg mayonaise, red onion, half a can of water chestnuts & a pkt of spring vegsoup. Since the ingredients aren't that cheap and i don't make it very often I was wondering about doubling it (using the full can of water chestnuts) and freezing half the mix in small containers. A friend freezes sour cream & cream cheese all of the time, when/if she doesn't need the whole tub for what ever she's making (something i would never have thought of). Maybe the dip could be frozen without the onion! That seems to be the only ingredient that could come out of the freezer worse for wear. (or ruin the other ingredients)

geldof, Sep 27, 11:41pm
I freeze dips, hummus etc.Just needs a good stir when thawed.

buzzy110, Sep 28, 7:25am
Ask yourself which of those ingredients you wouldn't want to eat raw once defrosted. Also the spinach would surely 'bleed' water and green all through your dip once it was defrosted.

On the other hand, why not try it and see what you think. If it were me, I'd be more inclined just to freeze the expensive parts separately and make the dip fresh each time I wanted it.

white_light, Sep 28, 9:26am
I'd freeze that no worries. None of those ingredients would be too bad once thawed.