What do you prefer? Top chef, masterchef or MKR?

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katje, Sep 19, 6:56pm
Im a top chef fan. Probably because season 5 of top chef was the first cooking show I watched but I still watch top chef 4, 5, 6, and 8 dvds at home. Even imitate some of the recipes.

maggie197, Sep 19, 7:07pm
Oh gawd shoot me if you want, but the programme that got me really hooked into cooking realty shows was Ready, Steady, Cook. Loved what the chefs did with the chosen ingredients, loved the guy in his pink shirt, loved the audience participation - yeah i was hooked!

katje, Sep 19, 7:15pm
wow Ill have to check itout

sarahw2, Sep 19, 7:29pm
Definitely Masterchef:-) LOVE it!

kirmag, Sep 19, 7:51pm
Masterchef. I watch so many cooking shows but have never got into top chef or MKR.LOVE masterchef tho hehe - gotta watch the Professionals on Saturday arvos (or record at least to watch another day).And a slight addiction to Come Dine with Me.

eastie3, Sep 19, 8:33pm
MC, as it is the only one of the three I have watched.

terachaos, Sep 19, 8:52pm
None of them. I love food and love to cook but have had enough of these cooking programs. However, I'm loving River Cottage at the mo whereHugh F-W goes vegetarian for the series.

lodgelocum, Sep 19, 9:01pm
Masterchef, then MKR, don't watch Top Chef.

jcdm, Sep 19, 9:03pm
All of them they are my fav shows

themillers1, Sep 19, 10:33pm
MKR definitely. Don't like Top Chef at all, Masterchef I can take it or leave it

carlosjackal, Sep 20, 1:22am
MASTERCHEF all the way!

bedazzledjewels, Sep 20, 1:44am
UK Masterchef in all it's different formats. It's all about the food over there.

juju40, Sep 20, 1:49am
Masterchef here BUT Australia not NZ. Wasn't impressed with ours much

davidt4, Sep 20, 1:50am
UK Masterchef Professionals is my favourite, with much more emphasis on cooking and less on the participants' private lives.I do get a bit bored with all the mash though, and it's very Euro-centric.

bedazzledjewels, Sep 20, 1:52am
And they cook a lot of mackerel DT4! Agree that Professionals is the best.

sumstyle, Sep 20, 3:29pm
I like watching Top Chef, but they decribe the food so fast, in fancy terms that I can't learn from it - unlike Masterchef where I can see "regular" people do things reasonably step by step, which is more inspirational.

mwood, Sep 20, 5:31pm
Come Dine With Me is a better comedy.

katje, Sep 20, 7:59pm
depends on the episodes you watch. Season 5 is the best one in my opinion

cookessentials, Sep 20, 8:30pm
Only Masterchef UK and Australia. Cannot stand the NZ version. However, i dont watch often as I am surrounded by cooking and cookware six days per week.

katje, Sep 21, 8:03pm
No Im definitely a top chef fan

rainrain1, Sep 21, 8:26pm
I like the Aussie version of Come Dine With Me, plus Masterchef, but for the fact that the series drags on way too long and is becoming a bore

drgl33t, Sep 23, 1:42am
i like ready steady cook best

toffeey, Sep 23, 1:35pm
Masterchef for me. I agree that come dine with me is good comedy but I stopped watching it because so few of the contestants seem to be able to cook.

frances1266, Sep 23, 1:40pm
I like the Aussie Masterchef but also liked Ready Steady Cook, the English version not the Australian.Dont know why they took RSC off.

taurus2005, Sep 23, 6:52pm
MKR is the best.