master chef nz

bomb_shelter, Apr 25, 12:17am
I wonder who is going to win?

harrislucinda, Apr 25, 12:18am
just had thewinneron the otherthread

charlieb2, Apr 25, 12:25am
which 'other' thread... do tell. .

bedazzledjewels, Apr 25, 12:27am
Charlie - here it is: asp
x? id=264760

bomb_shelter, Apr 25, 12:28am
Whos the winner

charlieb2, Apr 25, 12:29am
tis alright I found it... . and if you dont want to know the winner, dont go searching for the thread harrislucinda refers to

charlieb2, Apr 25, 12:31am
lol... or for that matter DONT CLICK ON THE LINK... lol

bedazzledjewels, Apr 25, 12:39am
You asked for it! Lol!

charlieb2, Apr 25, 12:42am
so true, so true... but I usually like to have a wee 'peek' at the thread title and then decide to delve or not... lol... . Oh well... I had found it before you posted the link... so can only blame MY nose! ! ! ! lol.

charlieb2, Apr 28, 4:43am
lol... well I'm pleased that was a wind-up thread... . excellent final

unknowndisorder, Apr 28, 4:52am
Did make me wonder about the bias of Simon.
Congrats to the winner and bloody good effort on the final challenge. Deserved the win because of that.

deus701, Apr 28, 4:53am
it just shows this industry is pretty much male dominated

valentino, Apr 28, 4:54am
Hmmmm, Simon was biased towards Kelly... . or am I missing something... .

missninagirl, Apr 28, 5:04am
brett won it

unknowndisorder, Mar 12, 5:07pm
I meant Simon was biased toward Kelly. His final scoring (compared with the other judges) showed it.