Whats your favourite recipe. Also whats the best coconut milk or cream.
Aug 12, 5:24am
Here's what we have in the hot weather. Marinated raw fish. 500gr med-firm skinless fish cut into 1cm cubes. 1 large onion cut into large chunks.11/2 cups lemon juice, ORcup lemon juice and 1 cup vinegar.Put all into a icecream container, lid on and leave overnight in fridge. Next day Drain fish discard marinade. Put fish and onion into a bowl add mussels and crab slices cut into small pieces add someshrimps cover with a seafood dressing coat well, season with s/p chill and enjoy.
Aug 12, 5:00pm
My mum makes awesome raw fish. I don't know what her recipe is tho sorry. mmmmm raw fish.She either uses Carnation or Trident coconut milk/cream, I don't notice much of a difference in the brands.
Aug 13, 6:27pm
Marinade in lime juice. Add ccoconut milk (any), spring onion, cucumber, red chilli, tomato, salt, coriander. Sometimes a bit of firmish avocado can be good too.
Aug 13, 8:52pm
Snapper is the best fish to use- but if your like me and live in the south (we hardly get snapper here) I find the best is tarakihi. Please dont be talked into using any other fish ie: hoki, warehau, any cod- not good.Right- so you cut your fish into pieces I cut mine into cubes if you will- put in bowl- cover with fresh squeezed lemon juice and a bit of salt. I usually leave this in fridge for about an hour. I dont drain my lemon juice- although some do, I simply add chopped tomato and spring onion then a tin of samoa coconut cream. The samoa coconut cream is quite thick- I have also used trident, but is alot thinner. Delish! . Now some people choose to add chopped capsicum/cucumber. I personally find it overpowers the taste- I like it as above with tomato and the spring onion. Enjoy your kai!
Aug 13, 9:36pm
My island raw fish recipe.
Mix coconut milk(salt to taste) and sliced whole red capsicum (I like using chilli but others dont like the heat so capsicum is a good substitute).Best to do this the day before you eat so the coconut soaks up the flavour from the capsicum.Add to the coconut milk the fish,diced cucumber and some chopped spring onions.I dont squeeze lemon over it until its almost ready to serve and I dont marinade the fish in lemon juice due to the bitter taste it leaves.
Aug 14, 2:20am
Sounds nice will give it a go-thanks
Aug 14, 2:53am
This is our absolute favourite. 1 lb fish - cut into 1/2 - 1 inch cubes 2 medium onions - diced very small 1/2 tin condensed milk 1 tablespoon white wine White spiced vinegar to cover fish Fresh lemon juice - to taste White pepper and salt to taste
Place fish and onion in shallow tray and cover with white spiced vinegar along with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Refrigerate for 2 -3 hours. Add condensed milk, white wine, white pepper and salt.
Cover again and leave to marinade for another few hours. Add more lemon juice if required. Enjoy!
Aug 15, 12:20am
teraki for mine, and its from a tongan guy i know, dam good
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