i only have the recipe in the edmonds book which uses uncooked rice. can anyone advise on one I can make with the rice already cooked. have never cooked one before and have a heap of left over rice from dinner last night. (son cooked).
Jul 21, 3:10am
I think you make it the same, just a bit less liquid and don't need to cook for so long
Jul 21, 3:14am
you can just add a tin of sweetened condensed milk and water it down a bit with extra milk upon re-heating.
Jul 21, 3:55am
Just add, milk to the rice with some raisins and sliced almonds and reheat it with a little sugar to taste.You can also add cream or evaporated milk instead of milk.I don't add the sugar as I don't like it sweet and hubby likes his drizzled with maple syrup.
Jul 21, 4:21am
Thank you for your suggestions.Someone said about left over rice been bad for food poisoning so now wondering if I should chuck it as it was from last night, but been in the fridge.
Jul 21, 4:40am
My mother made one with plain cooked rice. She beat together eggs, milk and sugar. Added the rice, into a oven proof dish and baked in a low oven until set. Dried fruit, coconut orwas sometimes added or jam stirred through before cooking. Nutmeg was usually sprinkled on top. This gave a pudding of rice with a baked custard on top. Her variations includedmacaroni, sago, tapioca, all pre-cooked instead of the rice. A bread pudding was another one cooked the same way. It was a good winter way of using surplus milk and eggs and keeping 5 children full.
Jul 21, 9:03am
Rice that's been in the fridge overnight is fine.
Jul 21, 9:24am
I did my milk puddings the same way.My kids loved macaroni custards,cheap tasty and filling.
Jul 21, 10:02am
I still like them. Might have to make myself one. The microwave cooks them beautifully on about 50% power. I like them with just the custard. easier for one.
Jul 21, 12:12pm
That would make for a very sweet pudding.too sickly sweet for most I would say.rise pudding has only a small amount of sugar.
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