A couple of months ago a group of us pig farmers at a Dunedin restaurant with one of menu items, a pork dish which when we enquired was also sourced from Finland
Aug 10, 2:42am
Explains why they are so dear in some shops but they are out of season here. Like tomatoes, they are either hothouse grown or imported at this time of year.
Aug 10, 11:40pm
according to 'whats in your food' the other year, all NZ beef has traces of DDT in it - since that came out, they've started importing alot more beef - the Oz beef is yummo.and DDT free :)
Aug 10, 11:57pm
How do you know its DDT free.was Oz beef tested on the program as well! Some of the land that used to be used for cropping in NZ is unsuitable for dairy because of its DDT levels, I know that, but I'd say DDT levels in aus are probably higher, just because they have far more bugs than us, locusts for one, that they would have been blasting DDT around with gay abandon all over the place.
Beaker, yes you can still get cheese and butter at factory shops.they are few and far between now of course, 45 years ago there was basically a factory about every 10 miles, now, they are "centralised" etc. and its no cheaper than the supermarket now, I don't quite know why that is either.and not being a supplier anymore I doubt me ringing and asking will get that much attention :(
Aug 11, 1:10am
not sure about the DDT in Oz beef, but NZ was a dumping ground for it as well wasn't it!
Aug 11, 3:32am
As far as I know all countries used it, I remember seeing old clips of them spraying kids in a pool in the states, apparently to kill lice , then they decided it wasn't safe, and it was pulled from everywhere as far as I know, its use was prohibited in NZ in 1970, and USA in 1972.I can't find where it was stopped in oz, but interestingly, south africa had to have international pressure applied to get them to stop using it in 1999.
Aug 12, 12:21am
I thought, I would treat myself to a bag of mashed potatos,.from belgium
Aug 12, 1:53am
There would seem no good reason for Australia to be sending their beef over to NZ.The difference in currency which is almost 25c in the dollar would make their beef too expensive here.They must have a surplus they want to dispose of and are using NZ as a dumping ground.
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