Can cream cheese be used in Beef Strog in place

jessie981, May 17, 1:30am
of sour cream? Forgot the sour cream

lilyfield, May 17, 1:33am
no- but joghurt can

jessie981, May 17, 1:38am
B----. Haven't got any. Got we bit sour cream but won't be enough. Guess I'll have to do the quick trip to the dairy. Thanx.

amiri1, May 17, 1:54am
I've used cream cheese instead of sour cream before and I had no complaints! :)

lurtz, May 17, 2:00am
Why not whip some lemon juice into the cream cheese?It won't be sour cream, but it's creative improvising:-)I can't see why it would not be OK at a pinch.

jessie981, May 17, 2:11am
worked fine. thanx

jessie981, May 18, 1:30am
of sour cream! Forgot the sour cream

jessie981, May 18, 1:38am
B----. Haven't got any. Got we bit sour cream but won't be enough. Guess I'll have to do the quick trip to the dairy. Thanx.

amiri1, May 18, 1:54am
I've used cream cheese instead of sour cream before and I had no complaints! :)

lurtz, Sep 20, 5:57am
Why not whip some lemon juice into the cream cheese!It won't be sour cream, but it's creative improvising:-)I can't see why it would not be OK at a pinch.