Who here likes fast food?

kylesta1, Jul 15, 5:55am
Check out the new blog I made! http://totesfoodbaby.blogspot.com

Going be adding to it as I go along. Will also review restaurants etc that I visit.

tigeraptor2001, Jul 16, 4:06am
slow foods betta

antoniab, Jul 16, 11:04pm
Um if you want people to read your blog I would leave out the racist comments re. dodgy islanders walking in and implying you might get black eyes from them

mattdylan, Jul 16, 11:05pm
this blog sucks, there are so many better real decent blogs on food, noone cares about your junk food addiction!

samanya, Jul 16, 11:14pm
I didn't like the attitude.
As mentioned ^^^ there comments re dodgy looking islanders & using Jesse Ryder's name are hardly appropriate,plus how many times do you have to use the term 'real men'! .helloooo, what are you trying to prove!
But I suppose I'm just a female & although I'm an educated 'she' .what would I know.hmmm!

kay141, Jul 17, 12:00am
Do people really eat that stuff and then rate it!

samanya, Jul 17, 5:02pm
The reason for that is obvious.
Try asking in opinions .go on, I dare you.

valentino, Jul 17, 10:37pm
Either that or a Fishing Rod etc.

kay141, Jul 17, 11:57pm
I wish. Practically lived on them as a child but haven't had one for years.

buzzy110, Jul 18, 12:09am
Love it.