yeah, I cook meat for my son, but I'm a vegetarian for over 20 years.
Jun 23, 6:27pm
No, I don't, selfish I suppose, but if I don't like to eat it, I couldn't bear to cook it
Jun 23, 6:31pm
No, I don't either! I'm the cook and if others don't like it, they know where the apron's hanging and they can cook for themselves!
Jun 23, 6:47pm
Not really, now were retired we share the cooking. If Mr wants something i don't like he cooks it and i whizz up something for me, and visa versa works well.
Jun 23, 6:48pm
Hardly ever, although I occasionally make a cake to take to a shared supper.
Jun 23, 6:53pm
No, consequently my children have never had to eat swede or turnips as I had to as a child.
Although having said that I do make Christmas cake every year.
Jun 23, 8:17pm
Not really - I have tried giving the rest of the family things I don't like but they don't really like them either (although there isn't much that I don't like to be honest).On the other hand I do cook and eat things I like and the rest of them don't - like black pudding or taramasalata
Jun 23, 10:10pm
yes quite often.i don't mind cooking foods other family members enjoy.
Jun 23, 10:35pm
yup. Husband loves and I mean loves sausages Bleurgh, but I cook them for him. sometimes lol. I don't mind the odd nice one at a BBQ but thats my limit.He hates Spaghetti Bolognaise, which the rest of the family love. so you guessed it. he has sausages that night. I don't like fish so don't tend to buy it, but i must ,make a conscious effort to cook it more as my Miss 18 loves it.
Jun 23, 10:43pm
Not these days: Had enough of that when I was catering: Fish pie every Friday: Ugh! One thing I could never stand was the smell of smoked fish. It is one food that will never enter my house!
Jun 23, 10:44pm
Yes, steak and kidney casserole for my husband and son. BLAH!
Jun 23, 11:00pm
Yes,black pudding and various things with walnuts.He's good to me and I return the favour.
Jun 23, 11:37pm
In reverse. My husband doesn't like onions so I don't ever use them in a family meal. I like them so I might cook some once a year to add to a burger but I cook them separately and use them as an additional item just on my plate. My mother will cook two separate casseroles to cater to him! You can tell she thinks he's the Best.
Jun 23, 11:41pm
Yes all the time. I absolutely loathe bread & butter 0pudding, and rice pudding. I make them for DS, as he loves them. Uggghhh!
Jun 24, 4:41am
Oh, no. my Mr 12 hates onions but I'm determined he'll grow out of it (as I did with mushrooms, now happily eat them in things, but never just on their own). I hope he doesn't turn out like Mr evorotorua!There are onions in nearly everything I want to cook! As for do I cook things I don't like. yes and no.I cook baked beans for weekend lunch, but I don't cook a lot of fish (but my excuse is it's expensive). I think in my house it's more I don't cook things 'I' like 'coz no one else does.
Jun 24, 3:20pm
Yes vegetarian, but cook meat for family. But I do on somedays just make veggies dishes and no meat, they do not complain :-)
Jun 24, 3:58pm
The way I look at it is that unless someone else wants to do the cooking then they put up with what I'm cooking - if they don't like it they are welcome to cook for themselves or even the rest of the family like I've been doing for the last 27 years!
Jun 24, 4:22pm
Yes, I do. My Dh is fond of whitebait, oysters,scallops and mussels which I do cook for him on occasion.
Jun 24, 5:21pm
Because my daughter and I are on a different diet to the boys there are occasions when I will cook things they can eat and we can't.Things such as potatoes, porridge, muffins.But basically we eat the same.The kids all get their own lunch.Breakfast consists of porridge for boys and soup for girls at the moment.
Jun 24, 11:06pm
I do sometimes. Hubby loves liver, kidneys etc. And I can hardly bear the sight of it let alone the smell while cooking, but I do make it for him.
Jun 25, 12:37am
Hey! I've got to come to the defense of Mr Evo. You could do a lot worse. He will eat onions if they are in a meal BUT he asked me not to cook with them so I don't. He is a wonderful, caring,thoughtful, loving, generous man. I am lucky to have had him in my life for more than 25 years. It does me no harm to cook without them.Food has a wonderful flavour of it's own without onions and since I don't mind, it don't matter! He's worth it. Not much to ask for.
Jun 25, 1:24am
If your mother makes his separately without onions, that's proof enough!
Jun 25, 1:31am
I totally agree with you, and I'm sure your husband is worth it, as is mine. I will cook anything he likes for him, because he's worth it and so we are both happy as. Love to do things that make him happy and he is exactly the same, always thoughtful and considerate.
Having said that the only food he is not fussed on is curry and other than that we both like almost every thing each other does.
Jun 25, 2:32am
Totally spot on.
I am allergic to a few foods but it has never stopped me from cooking it for others, top of the list includes mushrooms yet I do a few variation of these knowing through ones eyes - I can see their enjoyment.
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