Any one made it the night before needed! I have a yummy peice of smoked fish which I will steam and make a fish pie but it stinks the kitchen out and I am having a friend to stay and thought it would be good for dinner as we are going out for a lunch party so just want something easy I can throw in the oven to heat through, just in case we are hungry when we get home. Plus I can light my 'cooks candle' and get rid of the smell the day before too!.
Jun 27, 3:53pm
I often do as its always better second day :)
My fish pies are way too big so we get two nights out of them. But they are well cooked the first time.
Jun 27, 4:44pm
I have.Made one last night for work dinner tonight :)
Things like those are always better the next night anyway
Jun 27, 11:13pm
Thankyou I will make it tomorrow for Saturday.
Mar 20, 8:23am
No soy yo, Se Orly e9tica Son totalmente econf3mica. Nada que decir. Un epemjlo para todos nosotros. Los productores son sf3lo un calentador de agua, Esta lednea de base y el refrigerador. Es a veces me1s Creo que este equipo, Tal vez la televisif3n.
Mar 20, 3:23pm
It's not me, It Orly ethical Are toallty economical. Nothing to say. An example to us all. Producers are just a water heater, This baseline and refrigerator. It's occasionally more I guess this computer, Maybe TV.
Mar 21, 1:58pm
Ya learn soihnemtg new everyday. It's true I guess!
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