Farro make the most divine salmon and dill cakes.Have you tasted and got a similar recipe!Cheers
Jun 20, 4:34pm
no one!
Jun 20, 4:42pm
I haven't seen nor tasted Farros; but I do stuff my normal fish cake recipe with fresh salmon marinated in lemon and dill.Would this help!
Jun 20, 5:21pm
Yip!They are made with fresh salmon too.Would love your recipe - if they taste light, fresh and zingy I want :D
Jun 28, 10:38pm
Bump, sounds good!
Jun 28, 11:05pm
Cripes! Soooo sorry.I forgot about this:
PREP 100g-150gsFillet of fresh Salmon or Loins (take skin off and dice. Leave to soak covered in pure lemon juice for 2 hours in fridge).
400g fresh firm Fillet of white fish (use Monkfish, Hapuka, Wharehau, Blue Cod) Poach using a saucepan stovetop in a ‘clutey’ of Milk, Bayleaf, 3-4 Cloves and ½ sliced Onion. Chilli flakes can be added as an option. Cook for 6-8 mins.
Peel and cook 4-5 medium sized potatoes in seasoned water. Drain. Mash with small amount of butter. The mash should be quite dry, so do not add any extra liquid as you might normally do when making mashed potatoes.
COMBINE Mash seasoned potatoes and flake the poached fish with herbs; ½ c chopped parsleyeither Italian or Curly 6 T chopped fresh dill Cover and leave to cool in fridge.
Using your hands, make a ball with the combined mixture above. Take a piece of the fresh salmon which has been marinating in lemon juice and insert into the ball. Use your hands to surround and cover the fresh salmon completely.Shape into quite fat fish cakes and place in FRIDGE.
Crumb your balls. Some people flour, egg and crumb.I just egg and crumb them. Return to the fridge.Fry or oven bake as usual. The crumbs I like to use are seasoned stuffing mixes. The crumbs are both large and small for an interesting texture.
Serve with crispy salad.
Pics to follow.
Jun 28, 11:17pm
They look delicious, shop-a-holic.
Would make a little salmon go a long way too.
Jun 28, 11:23pm
Exactly.The zing of the lemon stays in there too.Magic.
Jun 29, 3:13pm
yum, thanks for coming back!
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