Toasting sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

karenbnz, Jun 5, 1:42am
In conventional oven what temp and for how long would you put these in oven Forrest!

karenbnz, Jun 5, 1:43am
Delete Forrest lol meant for.Thanks in advance

geldof, Jun 5, 2:00am
They all take different times, so do them separately, about 160-180deg.
Sesame seeds only take about 5min if that.

I usually do them in a fry pan on the stove top so that I can stir them and also watch them closely.

karenbnz, Jun 5, 2:09am
Thank you think I will try your method on stove top.

vinee, Jun 5, 2:09pm
Same, do them in a fry pan.
I do muesli this way too. apart from even cooking it saves heating up the big ole oven for a small time.

wildflower, Jun 5, 10:38pm
Ditto to seeds and muesli in the frypan.You can smell when the seeds are done.

karenbnz, Jul 4, 7:21am
Thanks for posts everyone specially bout the Muslim in fry pan hadn't thought of that would make it so much easier!

karenbnz, Jul 4, 7:23am
Meant muesli. Dash the auto correct.

karenbnz, Jul 4, 7:24am
thanks geldof

danjoboys, Jul 4, 12:34pm
Laughing out loud!