Hi all! I have come across a large bottle of sesame oil but am not really sure what to do with it, do you normally just use it for stir frying etc? Or are there other creative things to do with it?
Jun 14, 1:59pm
I marinate my meat with is using some soy and chicken stock and for a stir fry as well sometimes. :)
Jun 14, 3:05pm
It is a very rich oil... . I marinate my chinese style meats with it too... just a little bit though... . . I toss a tablespoon through my stir fry sometimes too, and it has a very strong taste to it. yum.
Jun 14, 3:28pm
It goes rancid quite quickly so it's best purchased in small bottles unless you use it a lot. And you don't need much of it to impart its wonderful flavour; too much and can overpower the flavour of other foods. You can mix it with a lighter, less flavourful oil in savoury recipes.
Jun 14, 3:33pm
oh yummy... . lovely in coleslaw too-or other and all salads
Jun 14, 3:33pm
and use in your bread baking
Jun 14, 3:41pm
IMO and from our experience sesame oil keeps perfectly if kept refrigerated at all times (except obviously when in use). We don't use a lot of sesame oil - mainly for stir-fries and I often add 1 tsp sesame oil to plain boiled or steamed cabbage for a tasty flavour addition. Right now there is a basically empty bottle in our refrigerator that's been there for ? ? ? ? ? years - I most recently used it on Sunday and right to almost the last drop it is perfect and definitely not rancid. :-))
Jun 14, 3:45pm
I had it to soup (chicken and corn) with soy sauce, marinate chicken with garlic, 5 spice, sesame oil , soy sauce, yum. add to in lots of things, love it best oil.
Jun 14, 10:16pm
Its a flavour rather than a cooking medium - add it at the end in small amounts as it doesn't cope well with prolonged high temps.
It is lovely rubbed into pork rind when you are doing a roast. I find it lasts at least as long as any other oil.
Jun 15, 12:31am
yep I agree it lasts long too... keep mine in the fridge :)
Jun 15, 12:45am
All my oils are in the cupboard and it is so cold most of them have thickened up so they might as well be in the fridge.
Jun 15, 3:20am
LOL - good thing about winter huh... that and no flies :)
Jun 15, 4:29pm
a teaspoon (or less) in noodles is very yummy! ! and if your adventurous a tablespoon of peanut butter too!
Aug 12, 5:49am
Thanks for all the great suggestions guys! I am off to experiment!
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