Meerkat Casserole

coast_palms, Jun 5, 11:30pm
Does anyone have a good recipe for this please! Thx.

ruby2shoes, Jun 5, 11:34pm
wtf, you can't eat them, they're too cute!

nfh1, Jun 5, 11:34pm
+ a million!

mwood, Jun 5, 11:35pm
last night they showed guinea pigs - they were just dry roasted

coast_palms, Jun 5, 11:37pm
I missed that. Did Annie have a go!

mwood, Jun 5, 11:43pm
Yes and she enjoyed it !

coast_palms, Jun 5, 11:53pm
Maybe I'll have a go at dry roasting the meerkats then. I'll have to buy x-tra long skewers.

Good tip!

ruby2shoes, Jun 5, 11:55pm
*gasp* I bet you people eat Bambi's and the Easter Bunny's cousin also!

karenz, Jun 6, 12:24am
I bought a book about guinea pigs when the children got one as a pet, it actually had recipes in there, and described guinea pigs as the forerunners of fast food, the moving population would carry them along, presumably live, then knock them off and bbq them on the run.

elliehen, Jun 6, 12:32am
I listed a Road KIll cookbook some time ago and nobody wanted it.

elliehen, Jun 6, 12:34am

carriebradshaw, Jun 6, 12:40am
karenz-When we were in Ecuador hubby ate guinea pig.I just couldnt bring myself to though.

vinee, Jun 6, 12:49am
I used to work at a deli that made Easter Bunny pies for easter.
They were awesome!

beaker59, Jun 6, 3:25am
Little Lambies are cuter and we eat those,,,,,,,,, mmmmmmmm,,,,,,,,,,,<drools over roast lambie>,,,,,,,,

gusthe1, Jun 6, 4:32pm
never try to cook a Meerkat in the slow cooker. lil buggers keep popping their heads up.