Casserole sauce help..

jesssas, Jul 26, 9:14pm
Im a novice casserole maker but I want to make a beef one. I've just realised that i dont have a 'gravy/sauce'.to put in it. What can i use?

lavender32, Jul 26, 9:42pm
Red wine is great in beef casseroles.

lavender32, Jul 26, 9:45pm
If you have absolutely nothing & can't get to the shops, try frying onions until brown add a tablespoon of brown sugar & then a splashing on soya sauce or worchester or even tomatoe if thats all you have.The add some water, stir & add to your beef casserole.Near the end of cooking stir in a little cornflour & water to thicken.

lx4000, Jul 26, 10:26pm
add bay leaves to stew. Make a gravy as you would other wise in the stew. I always add a bit of malt vinegar to give it a nice taste.Tomato sauce, soy and whit sauces and vegemite, garlic and flour and water mixed to a paste to thicken near the end.

greerg, Jul 27, 1:36am
I assume you have already sorted your onions, garlic and or other vegetables?I usually use beef stock as the basis for the casserole gravy and add a good splash of red wine if it's available. Then you can use whatever you have to change the flavour.Try a good slurp of relish (plum, tamarillo, tomato etc) or of sauce.Plum sauce makes a rich fruity casserole, orleftover pastat sauce.A bouquet garni of one or two bayleaves, a stalk of parsley and thyme is good although if you don't have fresh herbs you can use dried.A small amount of balsamic vinegar to increase the acidity is also good.
An option if you don't have any stock, or are in a hurry, is always a packet of Maggi oxtail soup or even a can of condensed soup and some water.

ferita, Jul 27, 9:21am
Fry onions then. flour and fry the meat. Deglaze the pan with some red wine and good quality beef stock the casserole will have a thick gravy to it.

the flour on the meat will thicken it and the oniony red wine and beef stock deglazed plan juices will impart flavour.

jesssas, Jul 27, 9:14pm
Im a novice casserole maker but I want to make a beef one. I've just realised that i dont have a 'gravy/sauce'.to put in it. What can i use!

lavender32, Jul 27, 9:45pm
If you have absolutely nothing & can't get to the shops, try frying onions until brown add a tablespoon of brown sugar & then a splashing on soya sauce or worchester or even tomatoe if thats all you have.The add some water, stir & add to your beef casserole.Near the end of cooking stir in a little cornflour & water to thicken.

greerg, Dec 3, 5:52pm
I assume you have already sorted your onions, garlic and or other vegetables!I usually use beef stock as the basis for the casserole gravy and add a good splash of red wine if it's available. Then you can use whatever you have to change the flavour.Try a good slurp of relish (plum, tamarillo, tomato etc) or of sauce.Plum sauce makes a rich fruity casserole, orleftover pastat sauce.A bouquet garni of one or two bayleaves, a stalk of parsley and thyme is good although if you don't have fresh herbs you can use dried.A small amount of balsamic vinegar to increase the acidity is also good.
An option if you don't have any stock, or are in a hurry, is always a packet of Maggi oxtail soup or even a can of condensed soup and some water.