Hospital Food?

angel404, Jun 14, 2:36am
Does anyone have any menu suggestions! Gotta be (mostly) healthy, economical and easy to make in bulk. Could be a soup, main or dessert

angel404, Jun 14, 2:37am
Im thinking apple crumble (possible with whatever berries are in season) with an oaty topping with linseed mixed in.

sossie1, Jun 14, 2:38am
from experience of Mr Sossie being in hospital, it wasn't so much the food, but the seasoning-too bland

angel404, Jun 14, 2:40am
For sure it is. But its made that way so those on a low salt diet can eat it. But there is an option on the menu (at waikato) that u can tick so u can get salt n pepper sachets :)

sossie1, Jun 14, 2:42am
I don't mean seasoning as in low salt, but overall flavour, you can make tasty dishes without resorting to salt.

melford, Jun 14, 3:41am
How many do you cater for! I have my father in hospital at present and all the patients are served sloshy mashed unappetising food that very often makes the patients feel sick before they even start. Surely they need substantial healthy appetising food so they feel encouraged to attempt their meal. Even the odd roast would go down a treat (for patients unable to swallow of course pureed food would still have to be an option on the menu)

angel404, Jun 14, 4:07am
About 600ish. Well todays lunch was pizza or creamed chicken, pea and ham soup with mousse as the dessert. Could choose fresh fruit if didnt like mousse. Also could choose a meat and salad sandwich if didnt want a hot main. Other days theres thing like cold meat salad, scrambled eggs, sweet n sour pork, crumbed fish with tartare sauce, fish pasta, chicken pie, oakhill potatoes, garden salad, savoury mince on toast, roast of the day, mashed potato and gravy etc. Obviously these foods are blended for those that need it.

angel404, Jun 14, 4:08am
Ah i geddit now! yeah we have a few dishes where flavour needs to be worked on!

beaker59, Jun 14, 4:35am
When I was in hospital last the food was fine when you are sick then it doesn't need to be masterchef quality just wholesome and recognisable with a pleasant taste std 3 veg and a chop is fine. But what used to get me was the covered trays with everything under the same cover the nurse would put it in front of me and lift the lid towards me so I got a facefull of steam and that was it any semblence of an appetite gone.

angel404, Jun 14, 4:41am
beaker that makes me go wtf as well coz they put mash spud and gravy on with the scrambled egg. gravy on scrambled egg! gross!

kokopuff, Jun 14, 2:52pm
I agree the hospital food my son has ever had in hospitals which has been alot was always bland he always said it needs salt so we use to take a small container in.

kokopuff, Jun 14, 2:53pm
we would always tick the salt and pepper box and they would never send it up with his meal.

angel404, Jun 14, 6:16pm
If there was no medical reason it wasnt there (most menus go through a dietitian before they get to the kitchen to be assembled) then it was likely just overlooked. Usually the ward lady keeps a stock pile of those little "overlooked" things.

auzzi, Jun 15, 10:59pm
Maerican sites:
United States Military Recipes Index
[with nutrition information]

Recipes For Food Service Professionals