Homemade yogurt

angel404, Jun 14, 2:39am
you know how u can add a little bit of yoghurt to milk to turn it into more yoghurt! Well can u use blue homogenised milk at all! or does it need to be silvertop!

ange164, Jun 14, 2:55am
blue top works.

beaker59, Jun 14, 6:39am
Any milk works they even use powdered milk. I use Blue top personally.

schnauzer11, Jun 14, 6:20pm
Any milk is fine,but I also whisk in a good tablespoon of milk powder to make it creamier.

angel404, Jun 14, 7:57pm
thanks guys!
and how much yoghurt do you add to the milk!

angel404, Jun 14, 7:57pm
say if you are doing a 1 litre of milk!

beaker59, Jun 14, 9:20pm
A tablespoon is enough, it doesn't take much. mix well. Remember you need to get it nice and warm 35degrees C then hold it near there for a few hours.

angel404, Jun 14, 11:20pm
can i put it all in my easiyo yoghurt maker thingee then!

beaker59, Jun 16, 7:23am
Yes thats what I use. Overnight is fine.