Does anyone have a recipe for homemade cough mixture that would be suitable for a 3 year old?
My DS has Croup, and therefore an awful cough. Last night he ended up in our bed having a coughing fit at 4am. I'd like to avoid that tonight, and be armed with a cure to stop the cough in it's tracks!
Thanks! :)
Aug 12, 10:23am
My mum used to mix us orange juice, honey and olive oil. Approx the same amount of honey and oil (1 tbls drinkpoon) and 1/4 cup of orange juice. Mix together and
Aug 12, 10:25am
the dr gave me that same recipe either lemon or orange juice.
Aug 12, 9:13pm
*nods head* ... we use manuka honey and fresh lemon juice and mix in some tepid water. For the older kids I also dissolve some paracetamol to this (but as your little fella is so young he might spit it out? ! ) ps: might pay to take him to the doctors aswell as croup isn't good
Aug 12, 10:47pm
Manuka honey is awesome for controlling secondary infection I use it heaps with lemon juice as a cough mix and for sore throats and straight on to injuries to control infection.
Aug 13, 12:08am
Comvita do a great cough mixture which is all natural. it does have manuka honey, so not sure if it is ok for a little one of that age, i know there was talk about not introducing these products until they were older? ?
Aug 13, 12:09am
Have you looked at any homeopathic remedies for croup?
Mar 25, 2:17pm
Simple Cough Syrup
* 3 tbsp lemon juice * 1 cup honey (manuka honey supposed to be good) * 1/4 cup warm water
Combine lemon juice and honey in a bowl. Slowly stir in the water. Store in a covered jar in the refrigerator - take 1-2 tbsp as needed for cough.
To soothe a sore throat, add 1 tbsp of mixture to a cup of comfrey root, chamomile or rosemary tea. Or if extra chesty, boil up an inch of grated fresh ginger &/or kawakawa into a tea in 2 c of water & simmer about 5 - or so minutes to have w/ your cough mixture.
Chinese Cold Remedy Recipe:
Boil together some Coca-Cola, lemon, and ginger for about 10 mins, and drink it hot. It tastes wonderful. Eat the ginger, it makes the concoction really work and frankly, the Coke-infused ginger slices tastes wonderful (cola is basically a sweetener & flavourer & the kiddies will drink it).
* 1 Can of Coke * 1/2 a Lemon * 1 inch of Ginger
Method 1 - Traditional
1. Slice your lemon and your ginger into thin slivers. 2. Pour your coke into a saucepan, add your ginger and lemon. 3. Simmer your coke mixture over medium heat for about ten minutes. 4. Pour the hot coke into a mug, you can strain off the lemon and ginger if you want, but I like to leave them in the mug. 5. Curl up under duvet and sip your drink.
Glycerine Lemon Cough Syrup
* 1 lemon * 2 tbsp glycerine * 2 tbsp honey
Heat the lemon by boiling it in water for 10 minutes. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Add the glycerine and honey. Take 1 tsp as needed.
Mar 26, 4:52am
our youngest daughter suffered from croup used to have us up all hours with coughing fits , we used to go sit in the bathroom with the doors closed and turn the shower on till the room was steamyfor 10-15 mins , that seemed to help . Also we have made our own cough mix for years bypeeling a heap of garlic cloves , put into a jar , then fill jar up with runny honey , let is sit on your window sill till garlic starts to turn a clearer colour then store in pantry - it does'nt smell to great on the breath but it does work wonders - and my kids all loved it - even used to fight over who was going to eat the cloves out of the jar at the end , alsothe mix is GREAT in marinadesetc !!
Mar 26, 4:54am
cough mix porbley sounds disgustng but it tastes like honey with a garlic after taste , my seven all had it right from before they were 1 with coughs etc and miss croupy had a spoon every night before bed.
Mar 26, 5:03am
slightly of the fact but is your house insulated coughing at night could be hes getting cold in the early hours of the morning
Mar 26, 7:04am
Mix honey, warm water and cider vinegar together and sip a teaspoon at a time. I swear by this one!
Mar 26, 11:23pm
we used to find she would get croup more at this time of year and in spring when it can be hot during the day and then cool down about 4pm ish , also if she got wet( playing outside etc) , washed her hair etc late in the arvo/eveningshe would be worse, she grew out of it tho.
Mar 26, 11:31pm
1 1/2 oz 1800® Tequila 1/2 ozpremium triple sec (preferably Cointreau) 1 oz lime juice
Rum the rim of a cocktail glass with lime juice, and dip in salt. Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into the glass, and serve.
Mar 27, 1:56am
Old plunket recipe was squeezed orange juice, honey and glycerine. Warmed and sipped slowly. Croup is horrible, I remember sitting with my child on my knee in the bathroom, bathed in sweat with a jug boiling and the bathroom full of steam. Keep the jug boiling easier than running the shower as the shower cools too fast. It did help ease the airways. Also put vicks on their feet... It works.
Mar 27, 2:44am
Thyme made into a tea is great for a cough...if they'll drink it. I quite like it...with a dash of honey.
Mar 27, 4:52am
our youngest daughter suffered from croup used to have us up all hours with coughing fits , we used to go sit in the bathroom with the doors closed and turn the shower on till the room was steamyfor 10-15 mins , that seemed to help . Also we have made our own cough mix for years bypeeling a heap of garlic cloves , put into a jar , then fill jar up with runny honey , let is sit on your window sill till garlic starts to turn a clearer colour then store in pantry - it does'nt smell to great on the breath but it does work wonders - and my kids all loved it - even used to fight over who was going to eat the cloves out of the jar at the end , alsothe mix is GREAT in marinadesetc !
Mar 28, 1:56am
Old plunket recipe was squeezed orange juice, honey and glycerine. Warmed and sipped slowly. Croup is horrible, I remember sitting with my child on my knee in the bathroom, bathed in sweat with a jug boiling and the bathroom full of steam. Keep the jug boiling easier than running the shower as the shower cools too fast. It did help ease the airways. Also put vicks on their feet. It works.
Mar 28, 2:44am
Thyme made into a tea is great for a cough.if they'll drink it. I quite like it.with a dash of honey.
Apr 10, 8:08pm
@chef bams, your garlic remedy sounds great. My doctor was telling me that research proves that garlic is the best natrual antibiotic there is.
He has me crushing garlic, putting it in water for a couple of hours and then gargling-I get terrible ulcers in my through when I am over stressed and it works like a bomb!!! sodefinatly trying your method.
Aug 13, 10:13am
Does anyone have a recipe for homemade cough mixture that would be suitable for a 3 year old!
My DS has Croup, and therefore an awful cough.Last night he ended up in our bed having a coughing fit at 4am.I'd like to avoid that tonight, and be armed with a cure to stop the cough in it's tracks!
Thanks! :)
Aug 13, 10:23am
My mum used to mix us orange juice, honey and olive oil. Approx the same amount of honey and oil (1 tbls drinkpoon) and 1/4 cup of orange juice. Mix together and
Aug 13, 10:25am
the dr gave me that same recipe either lemon or orange juice.
Aug 13, 9:13pm
*nods head* . we use manuka honey and fresh lemon juice and mix in some tepid water.For the older kids I also dissolve some paracetamol to this (but as your little fella is so young he might spit it out!!) ps: might pay to take him to the doctors aswell as croup isn't good
Aug 13, 10:47pm
Manuka honey is awesome for controlling secondary infection I use it heaps with lemon juice as a cough mix and for sore throats and straight on to injuries to control infection.
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