Could someone please tel me if I can freeze yogurt. Many thanks.
Oct 15, 8:16pm
Not really, it splits when you thaw it out,
Oct 15, 8:19pm
nothing a swift stir with a spoon doesn't cure.
Oct 16, 12:49pm
Thanks very much svogue and maxwell
Oct 16, 2:24pm
We freeze it and eat it frozen like ice cream or put it in smoothies.
Oct 16, 3:53pm
Hi can someone please tell me how to make yoghurt from scratch. Thanks,
Oct 16, 8:48pm
Hi Chelot I just put a batch down today in the crock pot...
I guess it depends how you want to do it? do u want an easy way or the correct way?
easy = buy an easiyo container and go mad with the packet stuff
Real =
1 Ltr of milk (can be any milk) 1/3c Milk Powder (this is cuz I like a thickish yog and not a runny one) 1 Tablespoon of liquid honey (only cuz I like a semi sweet yog) 1/4 commercial active yogurt as a starter Candy Thermometer Incubator
Many things can be used as an incubator. . I use my crock pot. . only because when on low, filled with 50deg water it HOLDs that temp, which is the perfect temp for incubating yog. but you could use a chilli bin and top it up with hot water every now and then to keep it at 50deg.
Pop cold milk, milk powder and honey into a heavy bottomed pot, whisk and turn element on to a medium heat, suspend your candy thermometer in the milk (I use 2 chopsticks with rubber bands on each end sitting on top of the pot... I have a probe thermometer so this holds it in the milk nicely)
Bring milk up to a temp of 94 deg and hold for 10 mins- DO NOT LET IT BOIL (if you bring the temp up SLOWLY you also wont scorch your milk or make a mess of the pot)
once its held at 94 for 10 then pop the pot into a waiting sink of cold water. . stir gently and wait for the temp of the milk to fall to 55deg, (watch it carefully because the temp falls FAST from 65deg onwards)
take pot out of cold water and sit on bench. . fish out a cup of milk and mix with your 1/4 of starter. . return this mix to the pot of milk and stir to blend. . immediately pour into glass jars that you have prepared before hand (washed) and had sitting on the bench filled with boiling water (to keep them hot)
seal jars and pop straight into incubator making sure the water is above the level of yogurt inside the jar.
wait 4 hours and it should be done :o) (test by lifting one jar out, opening and testing consistency)
Good Luck :o)
Oct 16, 9:24pm
Maxwell. Inc - is that 1/4 Tablesp commercial active yogurt as a starter? ?,
Oct 16, 9:30pm
oooh err sorry. .
1/4 Cup per 1 ltr of milk used
Oct 16, 9:47pm
Thnaks Maxwell. Inc - and could you please tell me what commercial active yogurt you use - just from supermarket or is it a 'special' starter and where would I get it please?,
Oct 16, 9:55pm
its just active yogurt. . most of the brands are. . look for the ones that say 'live culture' 'active culture' etc. .
I just use bio farm when I start one off. .
then have a small jar (200ml) and when I am putting a batch down I put some in that jar to do its thing. . that jar is stored in the fridge when its finished and NOT OPENED until I make the next batch (so I basically keep a small bit aside each time as my starter for the next batch)
Oct 16, 10:18pm
Alternately I bought a Caspian sea yoghurt starter on trademe that allows you to make yoghurt at room temperature. . you just add milk and leave it out on the bench for about 24 hrs. I love it, but it does taste a bit different from most yoghurts (milder) and has a different consistency (can be a bit gloopy). I love it and have been making it using the same culture since May. . but my husband hates it. . it isn't for everyone!
Oct 17, 12:27am
6 cups milk at 45-50 degrees celsius ¼ cup commercially made yoghurt of your choice as a starter
Blend ¼ cup of milk with starter, then add to the balance of the milk, stir well =then place mix in sterilised jars. Place jars in a small chilly bin in which you have hot water placed- ensure hot water is at least ¾ way up jars. Place a towel over jars, thenplace a hot water bottle in with your container, but not directly touching the jars within the container wrap in thick towels or a blanket, leaving undisturbed at room temperature away from draughts. Leave for 7 hours- then remove covers and test. Yoghurt should be set like junket. If you want a more tart flavour leave up to 12 hours. Remove wraps, placecontainer in fridge and chill for 2 hours before using. If using this yoghurt as a starter for a new batch, then the starter should be used within 3 days, as after this time you could get variable results.
Oct 17, 1:01am
Thanks, will give it a go.
Oct 17, 10:44am
Used to have a yoghurt plant about 20 yrs ago. Someone let it die one summer holidays. So where can I buy Caspian?
Oct 17, 5:50pm
Just search on trademe for "Caspian Sea". I bought mine from Lenart, but they only seem to have powdered starters now at a higher price.
Oct 28, 7:59am
Thanks kaylfrazer!
Apr 10, 8:24pm
I used to have a starter like little bits of rubber years ago when we lived on a yacht. It didn't need warming or anything and was really nice. I would love to get hold of some again. Anyone have any?
Oct 15, 8:15pm
Could someone please tel me if I can freeze yogurt.Many thanks.,
Oct 15, 8:19pm
nothing a swift stir with a spoon doesn't cure.
Oct 16, 2:24pm
We freeze it and eat it frozen like ice cream or put it in smoothies.
Oct 16, 3:53pm
Hi can someone please tell me how to make yoghurt from scratch. Thanks,
Oct 16, 8:48pm
Hi Chelot I just put a batch down today in the crock pot...
I guess it depends how you want to do it? do u want an easy way or the correct way?
easy = buy an easiyo container and go mad with the packet stuff
Real =
1 Ltr of milk (can be any milk) 1/3c Milk Powder (this is cuz I like a thickish yog and not a runny one) 1 Tablespoon of liquid honey (only cuz I like a semi sweet yog) 1/4 commercial active yogurt as a starter Candy Thermometer Incubator
Many things can be used as an incubator.. I use my crock pot.. only because when on low, filled with 50deg water it HOLDs that temp, which is the perfect temp for incubating yog. but you could use a chilli bin and top it up with hot water every now and then to keep it at 50deg.
Pop cold milk, milk powder and honey into a heavy bottomed pot, whisk and turn element on to a medium heat, suspend your candy thermometer in the milk (I use 2 chopsticks with rubber bands on each end sitting on top of the pot... I have a probe thermometer so this holds it in the milk nicely)
Bring milk up to a temp of 94 deg and hold for 10 mins- DO NOT LET IT BOIL (if you bring the temp up SLOWLY you also wont scorch your milk or make a mess of the pot)
once its held at 94 for 10 then pop the pot into a waiting sink of cold water.. stir gently and wait for the temp of the milk to fall to 55deg, (watch it carefully because the temp falls FAST from 65deg onwards)
take pot out of cold water and sit on bench.. fish out a cup of milk and mix with your 1/4 of starter.. return this mix to the pot of milk and stir to blend.. immediately pour into glass jars that you have prepared before hand (washed) and had sitting on the bench filled with boiling water (to keep them hot)
seal jars and pop straight into incubator making sure the water is above the level of yogurt inside the jar.
wait 4 hours and it should be done :o) (test by lifting one jar out, opening and testing consistency)
Good Luck :o)
Oct 16, 9:24pm
Maxwell.Inc - is that 1/4 Tablesp commercial active yogurt as a starter??,
Oct 16, 9:30pm
oooh err sorry..
1/4 Cup per 1 ltr of milk used
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