Thnaks Maxwell.Inc - and could you please tell me what commercial active yogurt you use - just from supermarket or is it a 'special' starter and where would I get it please?,
Oct 16, 9:55pm
its just active yogurt.. most of the brands are.. look for the ones that say 'live culture' 'active culture' etc..
I just use bio farm when I start one off..
then have a small jar (200ml) and when I am putting a batch down I put some in that jar to do its thing.. that jar is stored in the fridge when its finished and NOT OPENED until I make the next batch (so I basically keep a small bit aside each time as my starter for the next batch)
Oct 16, 10:18pm
Alternately I bought a Caspian sea yoghurt starter on trademe that allows you to make yoghurt at room temperature.. you just add milk and leave it out on the bench for about 24 hrs. I love it, but it does taste a bit different from most yoghurts (milder) and has a different consistency (can be a bit gloopy). I love it and have been making it using the same culture since May.. but my husband hates isn't for everyone!
Oct 17, 12:27am
6 cups milk at 45-50 degrees celsius ¼ cup commercially made yoghurt of your choice as a starter
Blend ¼ cup of milk with starter, then add to the balance of the milk, stir well =then place mix in sterilised jars. Place jars in a small chilly bin in which you have hot water placed- ensure hot water is at least ¾ way up jars. Place a towel over jars, thenplace a hot water bottle in with your container, but not directly touching the jars within the container wrap in thick towels or a blanket, leaving undisturbed at room temperature away from draughts. Leave for 7 hours- then remove covers and test. Yoghurt should be set like junket. If you want a more tart flavour leave up to 12 hours.Remove wraps, placecontainer in fridge and chill for 2 hours before using. If using this yoghurt as a starter for a new batch, then the starter should be used within 3 days, as after this time you could get variable results.
Oct 17, 1:01am
Thanks, will give it a go.
Oct 17, 10:44am
Used to have a yoghurt plant about 20 yrs ago.Someone let it die one summer holidays.So where can I buy Caspian?
Oct 17, 5:50pm
Just search on trademe for "Caspian Sea". I bought mine from Lenart, but they only seem to have powdered starters now at a higher price.
Jun 29, 11:41am
Thanks kaylfrazer!
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