use them any way that you would use other fruit.Cook them and bottle them then have them on cereal or with custard.Put them in a crumble, in a sponge pudding.Make jam with them, muffins.
Google will give you many more ideas.
Mar 11, 9:25pm
We don't have access to a lot of black boy peaches but have been lucky enough over the years to receive most years, from our neighbours, a bag of black boy peaches which are usually of variable size and quality.These usually come at a time when we're due to go away so I simply halve, destone and briefly/lightly cook the peach halves in either the microwave or in the oven, usually with no sugar.I then freeze the cooled and only just cooked peach halves so that they are free flow frozen.Later we enjoy the peaches thawed and warmed, as is, for breakfast or dessert or they make a quick and easy crumble dessert along with the crumble topping that I make in bulk and keep in the freezer.
Hope that helps.:-))
Mar 12, 12:21am
That's what I do too 245sam - don't even peel them as the skin comes off easily after they thaw.
Mar 12, 12:27am
grandma, we don't bother peeling the peaches at all - we eat the skin too.:-))
Mar 12, 6:42am
nothing if i cant have any no one should be eating them
Mar 12, 7:23am
You are very lucky to have them.
Mar 14, 3:22am
if any one in christchurch wants sum sing out as got heaps of them
Mar 14, 6:20am
missy2710, I'm in Christchurch - in Halswell - where are you!:-))
Mar 14, 8:12am
missy i would love some! I have been trying to hunt someone down with some! so hard to find these days as you cant get them in shops =o)))
Mar 15, 10:12am
Missy I would LOVE some please. Happy to swap for baking or such. You can contact me on 021 234 1736 if you've got any left.
Mar 15, 10:16am
Use them just like any other peach. Some people like them raw but i prefer to cook them - they go a lovely red colour when cooked. Be a bit careful when cutting them up as they can stain your hands. Fantastic in a crumble or a hot fruit sponge or a pie. I could go on and on. I love these!
Very pretty.just needs a sifting of icing sugar overtop :)
Mar 16, 9:27pm
That's exactly what we did, had it warm with ice cream for dessert. Divine! Lovely cold too. Really easy recipe, would be great with others fruits too, definitely one for the my exclusive red recipe folder ;)
Mar 16, 10:36pm
I cut a raw black boy peach into rolled oats porridge this morning.was like having dessert for breakfast ;)
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