Can I make a pie with this. . If So what do I add? ?
Apr 8, 11:51pm
Try feeding it to your cat ...
There were several threads in "general" some months ago that said "not even the cat would eat it" ...
Apr 9, 5:38am
I agree that chop chop chicken is completely gross, I popped some into an omelette I made and it rendered the meal inedible.
Apr 9, 8:32am
Doesn't sound convincing martine5 ...
Apr 9, 8:52am
Have you tried it? , if not please try it before making a meal using it. I bought a tin when it first came out as I thought it could be a quick and easy addition to filled rolls.
Its vile, Its like what I imagine cat food tastes like. Actually, not even the cat ate it and she licks her bum happily lol
Apr 9, 9:01am
That's what I said above ... must be the first time you agree with me LOL :)
Apr 9, 11:33pm
I don't mean to be rude . . but that wasn't very helpful it's not about whether anyone likes it #1 might like the stuff (whatever it is)
Apr 9, 11:56pm
You are right - so I have googled for some special recipes that can be made with chop chop chicken - if one likes it or not - is then the question of the person having to eat it ...
So here goes:
Chop Chop! Savoury Muffins
Ingredients: 1 Cup White flour 1/2 Cup Cornmeal 3 tsps Baking power 1 Cup Grated cheese 1/4 tsp Salt
50 gms butter (melted) 1/2 cup creamed corn. 1 Cup Shredded Chop-Chop chicken in mayo. 1/2 to 3/4 Cup of Milk and 1 egg
Directions: Mix the top 5 ingredients together gently. Blend the bottom 5 l ingredients together gently and stir into the above. Put dessert spoon into greased mini muffin tins. Bake until browned at 210 deg C for 12 minutes (mini) or 15 minutes (medium)
Apr 9, 11:57pm
Chicken, Kumara and Silverbeet Quiche.
Ingredients: 4 eggs 1 cup grated cheese 2 cans Chop Chop! Chicken chunks 1 kumara boiled and diced 1 cup of cooked silverbeet drained 1/2 cup of flour 1 teaspoon of baking powder 1/2 cup of milk 1 teaspoon mustard paste Salt and pepper to taste.
Directions: Mix the flour and baking powder, add the milk by mixing to a smooth consistency, beat in the eggs, add salt and pepper and the mustard and cheese and all other ingredients, stir in carefully, Put into a well greased dish and bake at 180 degrees Celsius until golden brown.
Apr 9, 11:57pm
samanya. . "tis" normal for around these parts these days. . ive given up...
Apr 9, 11:58pm
The three recipes above have been copied from the offcial chop chop chicken website.
Let us know if - and how - they turn out.
Apr 10, 3:21am
what exactly is Chop Chop Chicken . . is it a canned stewy stuff?
Those recipes sound quite nice, uli . . I could make them with real chicken
Apr 10, 4:57am
Yep it is chicken in a tin imported from overseas somewhere. If I remember right Thailand? But not sure. It is sold alongside tinned tuna - have a look if you like.
And yes I guess the recipes were just "developed" from normal recipes by replacing the cooked and chopped left over chicken with the chop chop variety.
The thought of chicken in spring water makes me feel ill though, together with the thought of what they must been fed to be so cheap ...
Apr 10, 5:15am
Lordy, I'm absolutely not putting anyones choice of food down, I dont do that. Im not a food nazi at all... , I was just asking if they had tried it, before cooking with it. If they have, all good.
Apr 10, 5:17am
That is so funny I had a can in my hand the other day and then said to myself no not Chicken in a can only tuna and put it back!
Apr 10, 6:07am
Oh lordy. . I didn't mean to infer that vintagekitty. . you gave your opinion & that's fair enough, I wouldn't be tempted to buy the product ... but #1 asked if it was suitable as a pie filling & with a few additives . . who knows . . it could be palatable & would save wasting it . You only have to read the 'foods you hate' thread to realise that not everyone has impeccable taste buds like you & me *he he he*
I had a huge laugh at your cat/bum comment.
Apr 10, 6:21am
I also hate to put anyone else's taste down and I LIVE on chicken, eating it about five nights a week. But this white runny stuff in a can truly is, okay (cos I couldn't bring myself to lift it to my mouth) LOOKS, vile. And my mouth-on-legs cat truly looked up at me as if to say, "are you taking the puss? " and walked away.
Apr 10, 6:43am
If you want to talk about chicken in a can, look at this... -a-can/
Apr 10, 6:49am
Oh no - mindi1 - don't be "negative" ... LOL :)
We are supposed to be "supportive" here - which I was - BUT then I'd really like to meet someone who truly likes the stuff - you see they keep selling it - so someone must be buying it ...
So WHO is it - 'fess up people :)
Apr 10, 6:50am
Yeah - BUT that is not the "lovely" chop chop variety we have here in NZ.
Apr 11, 1:19am
I actually quite like it in a sandwich. I take a ciabatta roll to work straight from the freezer, along with a can of chop chop chicken, I like the one with mustard and mayo, and just make a fresh sandwich at lunchtime. Much better than what I thought it would be like, and quite tasty for a quick easy lunch.
Apr 11, 3:44am
yuk. . chicken should not come in a can.
Apr 11, 4:16am
cluck, cluck, cluck, cluNk... :}
Apr 11, 4:22am
Have you tried it fisher?
Apr 11, 4:34am
errrr nooooooo ! ! ! ! little bit more discerning :}}
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