Cant say i noticed it. Maybe it was removed by Trademe!
Apr 13, 8:05pm
she got a few replies on General so hope she got rid of them if thread was pulled. 2 were from around or where she lives (It think)
Apr 13, 9:09pm
Strike two ! LOL
Apr 13, 9:52pm
If you put "jam jars" in the search area at the top of the page, there are HEAPS on Trademe and some brilliant ones too, by the way.
Apr 13, 10:35pm
the thread was removed as someone complained. I was trying to do someone a favour by offering all my jars for free. I am aware that there are plenty of charities who make things for fundraising and use up excess fruit and produce at this time of the year.
I am sorry that mwood and cooks think it great that their complaints have had me reprimanded once again and that buying them is way better than getting them for free.
Apr 13, 10:36pm
Can you put up a link. I didn't ask in General but someone may have done that for me.
Apr 13, 11:02pm
I doubt anyone complained. There have been many threads where things have been offered free and all have been removed. I would think on a site where the general idea is to sell things and that is where they make the profit, offering for free would be a breach of the terms and conditions. A better idea would have been a $1 reserve auction or donate them to your local op shop.
Apr 13, 11:05pm
I got the reprimand and a statement that someone had complained. I guess they prefer people to buy things rather than be able to get them for free. Probably think that Aucklanders are made of money.
Also how much value can you place on jars! They are not a saleable item and usually end up in the recycle bin. But for someone who is preserving clean lidded jars with the labels already removed are priceless.
Apr 13, 11:08pm
I agree buzzy - such a shame about the complaint.My brother in Auckland says that if he wants to give something away, he puts it on the side of a road with a sign saying '$x 'and then someone takes it.If the sign says 'free', noone does.A $1 reserve might get a good result.You could always donate the proceeds to charity or tell the successful bidder than you don't want payment.
Apr 13, 11:12pm
I didn't complain - no need to - I just stated the obvious - you're on the way out.
Apr 13, 11:15pm
I often put plants on the roadside with a sign "Free" and they are always taken eventually. However, with jars, I thought I'd get a wider sweep and help someone out.
Apr 13, 11:15pm
I must tell the op shops down here they are not a saleable item. They have trouble keeping up with demand for good jars, with or without lids and labels.
Apr 13, 11:24pm
Interesting how a random act of kindness turns toxic rapidly in Recipes! Buzzy offers free jars- which is very kind of her. A few days ago someone else very kindly offered free quinces- several people put their hands up , including cookessentials. No further comment.
Apr 13, 11:28pm
Like (wish there was simply a button to push!)
Apr 13, 11:37pm
So people are a$$h@l3s but so you don't get in trouble next time there is this site for listing free things Auckland and NZ:
Or you could just ring up some local schools and see if they are doing a bake sale! My neighbours kids made some awesome tomato relish and I was lucky to get some in return for the apples I gave them :-)
Apr 13, 11:40pm
gone too buzzy
Apr 14, 12:19am
OOps I got some free jars from here a while back very useful they have been too, the Jam jars are all full of jams of various sorts and the coffee jars are in my workshop full of nails and screws :)
Thanks Jill
Guess they have to have a rule or two but surely some flexability too but come on who would complain over that, small minded people abound these days it seems.
Apr 14, 12:24am
Cool site.thanks.
Apr 14, 12:43am
One of our favourite bookie people over in Books was banned for offering a free kindle cover to someone and leaving oblique contact details.
Who knows who complains about these things!There are one or two million members on Trade me, aren't there!It doesn't help to point a finger at anyone.
Sabotage can come from anywhere and from where you least expect it.perhaps a competing trader, someone selling jamjars.Who knows!
It's actually quite easy to set up a 50 cent auction for a freebie and then not accept the fifty cents when the person comes for pickup :)
Apr 14, 12:47am
I have been saving my jars but now I am moving they will probably end up at the spca opshop, hate throwing stuff away that can be used.
Apr 14, 12:52am
As I posted in the 'disappeared'thread, our local Hospice shop has a waiting list of people asking for jam jars.
Apr 14, 1:02am
Its a sad thing to do. Btw, did the threadstarter wanted some jars! I guess you know who to ask now.
Apr 14, 1:13am
No, the thread was begun as an offer for free jars to Aucklanders from buzzy herself.
I've recommended that she puts up a 50 cent auction.She can then also make Fixed Price offers to anyone who is a watcher and make sure that all those who wanted them get some.
Trade Me understandably pounces on 'free' offers because it denies them fees and puts posters in touch with one another outside of Trade Me.
Apr 14, 1:16am
Thanks deus.
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