Where to buy spice racks and glass jars as a set

lilsquirtz, Mar 17, 3:20am
i am loking for a spice rack with glass jars as a set for around $20.00 or less does anyone know of where i can get one from

southerngurl, Mar 17, 3:39am

lilsquirtz, Mar 17, 3:57am
thanks will go and have a look

lythande1, Mar 17, 2:16pm
How about.........................-

huntlygirl, Mar 18, 1:12am
Stevens or Farmers.

southerngurl, Mar 18, 3:39am

m41, Mar 18, 4:33am
if youre in west auckland there a place calleddiscount warehouse it off lincoln road , mozelle and it on your right hand side bana yellow buildinghas glass jar set for $20 they have 3 different types of spice jar sets :

dollertree, Mar 18, 4:39am

m41, Mar 18, 4:41am
west auckland -mozelle drive off Lincoln road ,its a banana yellow building on your right called Discount Warehousethey have 3 differnt sets of spice jar types and i think one dispenses and comes with the spices etc the cheapest was $20 i think some really good stuff there :)

lythande1, Mar 18, 2:16pm
How about.-

jessie981, Mar 18, 9:07pm
Try your local Warehouse. I bought a 6pc spice rack with swivelling rack today $7.97. Good specials on but may only be down here. Good luck.

fallenangel2107, Mar 19, 6:55pm
They have a lovely one at Stevens at the moment!

lindylambchops1, Mar 19, 8:15pm
A Stevens has just opened in Rangiora!Saw the spice rack advertised in their leaflet.My spice rack was made out of the child gate hubby made for the stairs when the kids were toddlers.I bought the plastic jars from Bin Inn & now just refill them when I need too.The old gate holds some 80 herbs & spices.The best recycled item in the house!

joey2221, Mar 22, 9:41pm
just brought a set from stevens and some xtra jars broughttwo xtra shelves from warehousescrewed them on to pantry door for spare jars