I have sides of salmon in freezer that I had intended to smoke however I would prefer to bottle it. The problem is I didnt scale it and wonder if they dissolve as bone does! Or maybe horrible!Also I was told once to include some bone as without it the salmon will go off. Needless to say I didnt save any bone either.Am I out of luck for bottling my fish!
Apr 19, 1:04am
Just googled it - lots of recipes but didn't see anything about to scale or not to scale. You could try having a look though as there are lots of recipes. Good luck.
Apr 19, 2:11am
Can't help with your question on bottling sorry, but according to this the scales can cut your mouth or become dislodged in the throat. Odd time ive been lucky enough to get a salmon and frozenor bottled it, the guys have always scaled it for me.Anyway have a look here might help you. http://www.wisegeek.com/is-salmon-skin-edible.htm
Apr 20, 1:49am
Why not leave it to thaw until the skin is just thawed, skin it, and go from there!
Apr 20, 5:44pm
Richard till had a couple on one of his programmes that bottled salmon. Maybe a search on the net might find it!
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