Can someone pleasehelp me with advice on how best to cook this so it's not dry etc.I heard somewhere that its best to do from frozen, is that correct!Many thanks.
Mar 26, 8:53pm
just cook covered in a stock pot with water then let cool
Mar 26, 8:57pm
My grans recipe was to sprinkle mixed herbs on the inner side, roll and tie into a sausage and poach for an hour or so, cool and slice thinly to serve.
Yum with mustard and crusty bread.
Mar 26, 9:05pm
Cooked a medium size peice yesterday in slow cooker. water, pork, 1 tblsp cider vinegar, 1 bay leaf, 2 heaped tablesp brown sugar and a chopped large onion. took about 5 hours on low. Was ever so tasty.
Mar 26, 9:06pm
I wouldn't cook it from frozen if doing in slow cooker. but then never cook meat from frozen anyway.
Mar 26, 9:20pm
This is yummy. Best left in the fridge in foil to marinate overnight.Thaw meat out, Mix together 2 tbsp honey and 2 tbsp wholegrain mustard with a little salt and black pepper. Warm in saucepan on low heat. Pour over pork and cover well. Wrap and seal in tinfoil pocket. Place the "wrapped" pork on an upturned saucer in the crock pot and pour about an inch of water in the bottom. Leave on low all day and place still wrapped on bench 20mis to rest.Unwrap Slice and serve.lovely hot or cold next day. Thanks to Fisher it makes a change from cooking it in water.
Mar 26, 11:17pm
I cook it exactly the same as corned beef/silverside.
Mar 26, 11:51pm
Good to do from frozen if you are away for the day, as it doesn't overcook the same as it would if thawed.Cheers
Mar 27, 1:16am
cheers fifie. yes. same ole same ole can get a bit boring. same thing with corned beef ., so experimenting with other things than brown sugar and syrup.and getting away from the sweet taste. trying more savoury with wasabi, mustard's, and horse radish. and peppers.
Mar 27, 1:35am
I was going to ask the same thing because its on special but do you just have the same as corned been i.e mustard sauce tatoes-cabbage-carrots-beans etc etc.TIA I also have a couple of peices of pork belly I want to cook to but will start another thread :-0)
Mar 27, 3:28am
I dont do mustard sauce with pickled pork. Think my mum used to do a white/parsley sauce or was it leeks in white sauce she served with it, so long ago I cant remember. I have with a little mustard on the side and prefer it cold to hot. If having hot though have with potatoes and whatever other vege I happen to have.
Mar 27, 4:04am
thanks everyone so appreciate the ideas will thaw and do the same as I do corned beef, that always comes out great.
Mar 27, 9:15am
I usually cook mine like corned beef also but I have roasted it too. It was fantastic roasted.
Jan 11, 7:24am
Pin my tail and call me a dokney, that really helped.
Jan 13, 1:39pm
/ Cant wait to see where apple stands in the milobe tablet mix. Better retina display? A5X chip? Bigger screen size? Who knows can't wait to see maybe even a hands on.
Jan 14, 9:53am
"adults who sat 11 or more hours per day had a 40% increased risk ... coermpad with those who sat for fewer than four hours a day"I don't get it: "coermpad with those who sat for fewer than four hours a day"? Really? Let's see: assuming (since I couldn't get the original article either), that "sitting" doesn't include the 7 hours or so of sleeping, that leaves you with with 17 hours a day or so to sit or stand (or walk or whatever); so are they telling us that there are people out there who spend 13 hours (or more!) of those 17 hours - EVERY DAY - standing? Even if a person like that works 8 hours every day and doesn't sit down even for a single minute - it still leaves at least 5 hours of standing! So his day would look something like this: 7 hours sleep (horizontally), 4 hours sitting, 8 hours standing at work and 5 hours standing at home - and all that on a daily basis, weekends and holidays included - not bad if you can pull it off...And all that 13 to 17 hours of standing a day buys you is a 29% decrease (do the math) of the risk of dying in the next 3 years coermpad to those who stand 0 to 6 hours day. I must be missing something.
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